Team Fuzzy Tail's StarAir!
6 years ago

An update regarding StarAir

Hey everyone! So if you’re seeing this, you may have noticed that we haven’t talked about StarAir in awhile. Due to some shifting priorities between the whole dev team, the project has currently been left in stasis for quite awhile. So here’s what I’m gonna do.

StarAir will be releasing in it’s simple, arcade-mode state as StarAir: -Arcade- in Late 2018. This version of the game is stripping the game’s story mode and arcade levels, and will primarily be a score-em-up bullet hell game. All of the game’s main mechanics will be implemented, but a variety of content in the game will be cut. I have not determined yet if I will be adding any additional weapons beyond the ones already made for the game, but I will probably try designing one or two more to fit. It won’t be a fully complete game; the reason why we’re still doing this release is because we want StarAir to at least exist to a certain capacity before we move onto something else. Future updates may or may not be considered either, but given the amount of other things I’m working on, I will likely leave it behind for the unforeseeable future.

While I still think the game could had achieved it’s ambitious scope, things didn’t ultimately pan out that way. That sucks, but I’ve decided it’d be best to at least polish up things a little, release this version as is and move on to bigger, more exciting projects. The game still had quite a bit going for it so it would had sucked if I just dropped the project as is. I think if anything, some people might get a kick out of the weird ideas I implemented in the game.

Another thing, StarAir will be the last game for Team Fuzzy Tail before we officially rebrand ourselves to Sky Hour Games. A few of my friends are joining on a new project and we’ll have more details to share about that sometime soon. Working on StarAir was a fun way of trying out new gameplay mechanics and I had fun with the many different systems and mechanics I added.

Thanks for reading,



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