4 days ago

And now to reveal what I've been secretly building up to for the past few days: the ADITWAA Prom Night AU!

(See article for A LOT more info)

The introduction to this 'project' is already located in the second image of this post, so I don't really need to introduce it again, however I would like to doubly clarify that:

  1. This retains no lore of the original game these characters come from, they are virtually just my own OCs with an Ando's skin on top.

  2. Despite the name and most of the doodles taking place before or within it, this isn't inherently just about the prom night itself; this is a slice of life AU that has these 7 idiots in a high schooler friend group, the current name just sounded cooler.

Anyway, hello, heyaa! Kami here, back with another episode of "Kami gives herself a hyperspecific hyperfixation that probably revolves around Bop!"

This time, would you look at that, it revolves around Bop! Who'd've thunk it. Regardless, before getting into the specifics of each character I might as well also explain the origin of this whole thing for anyone interested.

So, why Ando's? And why prom??

This idea began a day before the first post with Bowt's design, I was in a VC in the world's world discord server alongside Dr.Bee & Kat (yes this has been your fault the whole time, Kat! Mwahahahah), in which the topic came to a Bowt redesign that I'm not sure I can show or even is for anything or not, but point being that got me immediately thinking on what my own take on Bowt could be, which I then proceeded to do next day, going very overboard as you can clearly see.

I intended to leave it there, however I am also against Bowt being the only character in Ando's to get any recognition, thus I thought of giving the rest of the cast some crumbs too. and kinda ended throwing them the entire bread instead.

Then the imagery of the rest of the characters being equally fancy (besides Reams and a not-even-originally-planned-to-be-there Exo) and being so specifically at a prom setting gave me too many ideas not to immediately execute. That and also Maximum56's (and my own) criticism of the Ando's characters having really nothing going for them in terms of personality even if that likely wasn't the goal of their creation in the first place, which I also (with no ill intent) wanted to rectify by giving each one of these guys at least a little something each.

And the rest is history... or as history as something that is at the oldest less than two weeks old could be.

Anyway, enough rambling, character time:


Ando! The self-proclaimed leader of the friend group with a tendency to pull pranks and play weird little games with friends or otherwise to scare them.

-Often times due to his sense of humor he appears pretentious and narcissistic to the uninitiated, but ultimately he is actually very well mannered and chill when he's not doing a bit with his friends or otherwise pretending to show off.

-He has Light Sensitivity and is plagued by generally bad eyesight, so he is usually spotted using reading glasses in school, something that the more obnoxious classmates would mock him for if they didn't also know that they'd be met by some sort of nightmarish face screaming at them in the hallways the day after.

-Older if shorter brother of Goldando, something he actually doesn't mind, funnily enough.

-Bowt's best- or well, now second best friend! Due to knowing her the longest out of everyone not related to him he sees her as the little sister he never had.


Bowt! The equally very caring, soft spoken, short tempered and adamant short girl of the group with a major sweet tooth, hellbent on wearing some sort of dress for every occasion.

-She is very aware of her overt girlishness yet takes it in stride, not letting anybody tell her what to do, she will either slay or slay.

-As per both her kindheartedness and her short temper she will protect her friends with everything she's got, even with her stout form. She doesn't take nothing from anybody, if you mock one of her idiots (affectionate) you're getting a pretty small yet hard kick in the groin.

-Despite her very happy demeanor, she sometimes suffers from bouts of very vivid and consistent 'hallucinations' of a deformed man dressed in bright white, though due to him leaving her mostly alone if with others and no medication whatsoever helping her she believes there is something more to this.

-Long time best friend of Ando, who she sees as some big idiot (affectionate), and new best friend of Wort, who she helps out regularly due to their lack of arms, currently even housing them until either of them figure out some sort of solution.


Reams! The most unserious, whimsical, inexplicable little creature to ever have spontaneously spawned in this town.

-Does not abide by any rules whatsoever, much less nature's, which of course has gotten him into trouble on more than a dozen of occasions, all of which he's somehow managed to crawl his way out of.

-Since he doesn't particularly have a conventional body type no clothes fit him in any way, that and, y'know, no rules means he is kinda... naked, but he shares more DNA with an insect than a 'human' in this world so it's fine in the end if you don't think about it too hard.

-Despite all going against him to be able to do anything in life, he is inexplicably excellent when it comes to anything related to robotics and the like, having created Exo from the ground up even without having a single opposable thumb in his 18 extremities, or a worthwhile neuron in his brain.

-Goldando's best friend and past wingman, they met each other years before Ando and Bowt did through this world's equivalent of the xbox 360.

-Despite being as carefree as he is he gets absolutely HEATED when it comes to playing any tabletop games.

-Probably sounds like Spongebob with a lisp, don't ask.


Goldando! The very competent yet kinda dumb romantic partner to Shando that has the personality of a cool uncle and is likely the only person here who actually knows what he is doing.

-He, despite being in the younger end of the friend group is the most mature and responsible of all of them, and is always set to help any of them out with any physical work or cooking related troubles.

-He's sort of a jack of all trades, having participated in multiple sports and activities both outside and inside the school itself, though what he retained from most is dubious at best due to his faulty memory and spontaneous nature.

-Despite being as neutral as his partner when it comes to most things, he is strongly opinionated in very niche topics that no one cares about. He WILL argue for twenty minutes about how 'infinite' and 'finite' being pronounced so differently despite being opposites is stupid.

-Subconsciously treats Ando like a younger brother despite he himself being the one who's younger.

-Either can move incredibly quietly or has the inexplicable ability to teleport around, Reams is still running the tests himself.

-So Papyrus Undertale core.


Shando! The easy to embarrass, self-conscious, too kind for this world, genuinely impossible to upset partner of Goldando.

-As per her good natured self, she cannot see herself disliking anybody or anything, always seeing the best side of things and all sides of an argument, being as unbiased as possible in every regard... besides her partner, because of course, c'mon.

-She is very socially anxious, rarely ever wanting to do anything when she's with any more people than the other 6 around, preferring quiet dates with Goldando, or chill hangouts usually in Ando's house.

-Originally met the Ando brothers through being in one of their same classes, realizing the similarities between herself and the two despite being entirely unrelated, then things went from there, and now it's prom night and Goldando and her are making it official: it's a date... and that's the only reason why she's there, otherwise nuh uh.

-Due to, again, her kind self she managed to connect even with Exo, being the only person in the group to not be met with a generally cold response since she is genuinely reaching out and hearing him talk about his experiences as an artificial being, and his own thoughts on the world as one, ending in both genuinely appreciating each other despite the general complications.

-Has a british accent.


Exo! The unfortunately not very talkative or emotive or understanding or friendly or- mechanical beast of a man*.

-Due to his literal and utilitarian way of thinking as per his artificiality he isn't exactly the greatest at displaying any sort of emotion, which isn't helped by the fact that his screen face is 97% of the time a mouth, this on top of his size and build causes him to be generally excluded from most things, even in part within the friend group itself even if done accidentally and without any intended malice behind it.

-Despite the general hardships he faces he does still find mortal life amusing, the friend group even more so, otherwise he probably would've left by now.

-While he has a few reservations about his creator's way of acting he can't deny he still cares about the weird freak, even if the question of that being his true feelings or something coded by him against his will eats at the back of his mind.

-As previously stated, he is rather fond of Shando due to her actually caring back. She is how he learned most of what being 'human' means.

-Also, despite not exactly having much of a sense of humor, he finds how his appearance, voice and personality unnerve Wort specifically quite funny.

-AM if he ate a snickers bar.


Wort! The shy and quiet unfortunately handicapped newest member of the gang trying to figure out what's going on in like half of these guys' heads.

-He wasn't ever very great at socializing, even less so after she lost their arms in an accident she'd rather not talk about, as he not only felt like a useless burden on anybody that tried to become her friend, but also was now scarred with a horrible Thanatophobia that prevented him from doing anything at all without feeling at the risk of death, that was until they met Bowt and by extension the rest of the people in Ando's clique.

-They're still a very recent addition to the group and thus is still getting used to most of them, even more to the feeling of actually being friends with someone, furthermore the feeling of genuine happiness, though usually he doesn't think about it too much, so it's fine.

-Due to her more personal fears and general personality he is a major scaredy-cat, something which the others do actually respect since none of them want to drive him away so quickly. Although it ultimately it doesn't matter much if one of the people in your group is a 10 ft tall mechanical behemoth with the voice of a monster and a gaping mouth for a face, they're cool still, though.

-As already mentioned Bowt is not only doing literally everything for them, but also letting her live with her entirely and exclusively out of the kindness of her own heart, this affecting the previously very lonely Wort, making him rather clingy and literally dependent towards Bowt, to the point of in fact developing feelings for her, but is too much of a shy overthinker to say anything.

-He also thinks Ando is handsome which also isn't helping, although in an entirely unrelated direction.

-She's genderfluid & any/all pronouns if you somehow didn't notice.

I don't have an outro for this post, I hope you enjoyed me being very normal about a FNaF Scratch fangame out of all things.



Next up

Happy birthday @Solar-Neon !

"I'm so excited for the new movie!" I exclaimed with excitement. little did I know it would be a feature. a creature feature. featuring... the creature...


Oh yeah, that wasn't a one time thing, btw.

(Gotta love turning characters into weird little creatures)


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Goldando's wife (trust)

I probably should've gone with a better format for these guys knowing how tall some of them are but oh welp-


This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Undertale! Accept the quest in your quest log to get started.

Early 2025 general stuff update

Old and oh



Golfin' doe

Fold dandruff



Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

You's cousin!

(Fun fact!: These redesigns are not just for the fun of it, as there is another separate reason to make them that I'll get into later. (Most likely not a game, though, js in advance.))
