14 days ago

Angel V/Volt's 2024 Design (OC)

I spent the last few days designing this and am finally happy!

The first pics are for an RP, the second is the non-fandom ver, which is only slightly tweaked. Both are still Volt!

- Click Article for the BTS -

Since you were nice enough to click on the article, I'd like to highlight some of my MANY draft designs!

I explain my thoughts in the images, so you can get a better understanding of how I got to the final version.


^ Draft one is Volt's design from 2023 but with color (I never finished his 2023 ref sheet). This served as my jumping-off point!


*Also, you can see that by the fourth draft, I've added the halo.


^ This is also when I decided that the top half of his design (save for the ribbon) would be symmetrical so the focus goes to the asymmetry on his legs.


Finally by draft FIFTEEN, we arrive at what would become the final design! the biggest change here was adding the V-shaped belt, and I gotta thank a friend for the feedback on that one. I just couldn't get the pants to look right for some reason.

Between this draft and the final, I only tweaked very small things, as well as changing Volt's hairstyle to distinguish him from another character within AOTU World.

The most important thing I've taken away from this is that immediate feedback from others can help the design process! It's always good to have a fresh set of eyes on your work to make sure you're not overlooking anything or to point out flaws in your designs.

If you've read this far, MAN you're dedicated to reading. That, or you just skipped to the end because you already got bored. Either way, thank you for taking a look!



Next up

Updated Non-Fandom Outfit

From the last post, I edited Volt's non-RP outfit. It was bothering me a bit, but the problem's solved! Complete with a cool glow. (Volt quite literally lights up a room!)

It's messy, but the official ref will be cleaned up ^^

With a book and quill in hand, Raziel sought to record every impassioned speech, every brilliant word that was uttered by his Creator.

Drawing Volt in 60 seconds or less!

Fun Fact! The name of the song you hear is called Lightning. How fitting!

WHILE YOU'RE HERE, I STRONGLY encourage you to vote on the poll linked below! I need as many responses as possible to move forward with a plan!


Trainer Hope AU (OC)

More old doodles featuring Hope, but they're in the Pokemon World this time.

Their partner Pokemon is a young Alolan Vulpix they've affectionately named Fluffy! You'll find they're similar in more ways than one.

Submission for Art Weeklies 6/7/2024. Theme chosen: Animal characters.

Here's the finished result of my bumblecat illustration!

: Clip Studio Paint

Prints: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/161991485?asc=u

Adult Form - Hope (OC)

As I'm going down the list of character redesigns, I realized I never gave much thought into Hope's adult design. I adjusted some features and changed up their hair color with the goal of making them look more ethereal.

2024 Redesign - Unitas (OC)

LEMMIE TELL YA, HE WAS A PAIN TO REDESIGN. I had no clue what I was doing in 2022 and had to work hard to make something more coherent.

RP design has a gear halo, standard does not. STILL NOT POLISHED, but the gist is there.

Idk I just really like this guy

Some Kirby doodles made with markers!

Hope is many things. A gentle soul. A guiding presence. A gift to the world. That is what the villagers say. But for all the praise and admiration they shower upon them, the people of Whitefield forget that Hope is still just a child.