Twister: Thanksgiving Throwdown
3 years ago

-Anniversary Devlog-

Well, it's been a solid year since development began and I can safely say I've made stellar progress. I've managed to weed out a lot of game-breaking bugs, but I'd rather talk about more interesting developments.

The game as of now has reached around an hour and a half of content between Acts 1 and 2, not accounting for the alternate route you can do which isn't too different from the main game as of now. I've decided to set aside the alternate route for now because I want it to be its own thing with very different scenarios, gameplay, and overall aesthetic. I had originally envisioned it as just a "bad, evil messed up" route but decided that kind of thing was overdone. While I do plan for it to be based around your deliberately bad choices, I don't want that to be the focus and instead also change things up tremendously and explore the world/setting in innovative ways.

Onto more technical things, I've decided to spice up the combat. If you look at the other stuff I have on the game's page you'll be able to tell it's RPG maker with an Earthbound script that adds the HP roulette, making combat more exciting. I've decided to add a gimmick where you get new moves everytime you get into a major boss, and while I'm not going to spoil anything, this has made battles way more interesting while not getting overbearing with how gimmicky this concept is. I've also added more of an emphasis on exploration and bartering on the main hub.

Tldr; yeah I've learned a lot about gamedev in the one year I've been messing around with this modified engine. I don't have an estimated release date and don't care to have one for now.

Here's a trailer by our main musician as an early Thanksgiving treat:



Next up

Quick Devlog +TT Progress Update

Twister: TT =AUGUST 2022 DEVLOG=

Keep an eye or two out.

Met a boy named Ninten today. Seemed cool. #CatsRuleEverythingAroundMe

(SOUND WARNING) I've been tweaking a lot of little things about the game; narrative, dialogue, and most importantly: gameplay. here's a new funky attack you'll be able to get through challenge sidequests.

say hi to porky 😈

Another quick progress update: The second area of Act 2 is complete and I am moving on to a larger and more explorative third area that'll take a while. Overall, 50% of the base game seems to be complete.

August 2021 'Devlog'

Long awaited weekends lay ahead of us☀

A perfect time to admire the views of Arkana! Build a cozy house on lake shore, cook your masterpiece of a dish, invite some friends to the table and together meet a picturesque sunset🌄

Woah hey a September update? Here's a new recurring character's introduction. -he's a liiittle crass.