The Shape On The Ground

6 years ago

Announcement. Development. Environment.

The time has finally come to announce the new title :

The Shape On The Ground.

A much more tame experience than was the previous ‘I Make Saints’, it remains nonetheless in the same vein. TSOTG is an interactive experience where the player will be tasked with exploring a virtual museum and reflect upon their own conception of loss as they repeatedly answer a simple, single question…

What do you see?

TSOTG owes a lot of its flair to Joseph Cornell’s shadow boxes, and his collage art mixing papier mâché, found objects and strong symbolism.

Game mechanics are entirely implemented and the main environment is complete. What remains to do are the shadow boxes themselves and the different endings. No release date will be announced; the experience will be ready when it is complete.

We hope you are looking forward to visit our peculiar cabinet of curiosity.



Next up

Sound. Found. Bound.

Discovery. Delivery. Festivity.

Completion. Accretion. Repletion.

Objective. Reflective. Perspective.

Endurance. Esperance. Temperance.

I wrote an in-depth Postmortem for my first game, I MAKE SAINTS. Read it here :…

New game is out now! PLEASE FOLLOW is available, and on sale!

New title announcement

Progression. Digression. Obsession.

New game page is up! New title officially announced : Please Follow will be available December 2019!