Rousseau has been a positive and enthusiastic influence here in this community, and to celebrate 700 members (as many of you know) decided to make an un-official game jam similar to the "Decption" Jam we did last February.
However, now Rousseau's jam is officially sponsored! (none of us know what the theme is tho, just Rousseau)
Due to all of this, Rousseau is also joining our team of moderators! (actually already did quietly like a week ago or sm, but uhhhh just pretend this announcement wasn't put off)
Also, thanks to Rousseau's suggestion of a better place to put art, we've decided to add a fanart channel!
Concept and promotional art for your own games should be placed in the Devlogs channel, but if it's not your game, put your fanart in the- well- fanart channel!
Further details on Rousseau's jam are To Be Announced, but be sure to stay posted!
Thankyou to all of you for your support for this community. Keep making things you love and sharing them with others, I think that's a very special and beautiful thing! ^.^