11 months ago

Bondee's cosplay on the field!

Bondee photos by @Bellbugsie

The last couple of days I've been at NärCon wearing the Bondee cosplay! I had no idea how it would go, I didn't even know if people would understand my suit was FNAF inspired, but I am really happy with the reception!

I was in utter shock as multiple people approached me asking if my cosplay was from "Bondee's Barnyard", which it of course was! Seeing their faces when I told them I was the creator of the game was priceless. I know Bondee's is somewhat known, but having people recognize it in the wild really was astonashing to me. These people I met knew about my creation, it really makes me a little emotional to think about.


Bondee wasn't my only cosplay! I also cosplayed as the Engineer from Team Fortress 2 the last day of the convention and it was amazing. The TF2 community is still thriving, and we wont let anything end it, not even Valve themselves.


Was great seeing Bondee's composer, @MrPep there, always such a blast being around him! I got to spend so much quality time with so many amazing people, I could talk about it forever.


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Next up

S:t Henrik & S:t Erik in Finland


Pablo: King Of Dreams

Playtime With Percy girl & Bondee's Barnyard boy

Bondee's 2 Ice Cream Bar, through development

Number 7's name is!.. Oh well, you're not ready to know it yet, but now you can simply refer to her as "A.R."

Biskop Henrik