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Lests paint some more! This one is inside aclothing store for men, and the Owner wanted a urban look and we went full on with the graffiti imagery.
Vamos a pintar! Estoy llenandoselas esta tienda de toda clase de motivos Graffiti! que les parece?
Un poco del proceso de mural para este local de comidas rápidas! yo opino que la comida es un buen reto a la técnica, en general, tratar con texturas tán variadas es complejo, pero esta es mi versión de una hamburguesa y un burrito, con papas!😋
the rain didn't let me finish this Character, It is the flamingo that ended up here in Limón Costarica stranded cause of the prior storms up north. It was a rainy night, and I was busy all day, I'll just finish it later 😎
them boys back watching TV! Naaah, these are a future gift to my Boss's kids, Ya'll know how it goes, It doesnt matter if its just Aukan's Birthday, Amaru's better have his gift too right?
They told me his party was #sonic themed. Whats your party theme?
I made a drawing of my d&d #oc a Halfling Rogue, with an artisan background🤭
this is the end result of the mural I was working on!
Any thoughts, questions on the process?🤗
I'd be more than happy to answer!
(I have the timelapse video of the process on my profile, check it out!)
Other character of D&D I imagined🤗 this one is a wizard thiefling.
Otro personaje de Dungeons & Dragons que imaginé🤗