2 years ago

Bea Santello, bc wynaut y'know?



Next up

Little Essare piece to pass some time

Working on a new character ACTUAL ideas are appreciated (looking at you sammy..) he is not meant to be any certain species

She's been named Molly!

Under the Desert Sky~

I wanted to remaster, an older piece of mine. How did I do? Tap/swipe to see the piece I created a whole year ago in January of 2023!

Kaboom, new fucko, no species, no gender, no name, im still working on it

"I get it now."

(Swipe to the right to see the original pixel art!)

: Aseprite (Sequel to the last redraw at my profile/AnubiClub!)


Fixed up the Vixen piece

Submission for Art Weeklies 4/5/2024. Theme chosen: Elements of Nature.

... I literally just threw this together, 'cause I panicked when I realized I hadn't made anything for the last themes. LOL Started in greyscale to paint faster.

: Clip Studio Paint

Just some art