Hey all! I've been inspired by the follows this project has gotten recently and wanted to show you a bit of the progress I've made. So my construction level is (functionally) finished and I've moved on to the second level, a beach/boardwalk hybrid. Today I wanted to share with you some of the obstacles you'll come across in this level.
The first obstacle I'm pretty proud of, this Ferris wheel:
This element leads into the boardwalk theme and works well with the physics system. I think it will combine well with some more traditional obstacles to create some interesting scenarios.
This next obstacle fits in with the ocean theme, a simpler jet of water:
I think these offer some unique platforming opportunities because of how timed they are; I imagine jumping from jet to jet as they fall behind you.
I've made more progress on the actual level as well - what I've shown you today was just to show off the new obstacles, they are not examples of my actual level design. Something to note is that graphically all of these will still receive some work. The level still lacks a background and the water definitely has to be more animated, so please don't judge it off of the artwork yet.
I've been feeling like working on this project more and more so hopefully I'll be able to get this game to you all within the next month or three. Obviously I still have this level to make, the next level, and a hub, but I still have a lot of polish to do as well, especially in the graphics department. It's snowing here in Texas, and when that happens everything shuts down, so hopefully I'll have some more time to work on this, haha. Stay safe everyone, hope to share more progress with you all soon.