8 months ago

Ben 10: Omega- Shocksquatch

For my take on Shocksquatch I'm keeping his electrical fur and as always I'm going to give him new abilities. His 1st new ability is Electric Armor, I looked up electricital abilities and I stumbled across that one, in order to do that he needs to be around medal, if he is he'll use his electro magnetic fur which is like a magnet obviously, so with his electrical armor he'll be more powerful than his enemies... so basically it's like Omni-kix but you don't need to twist the interface. His second ability is ShockWave Plow, shoutout to @ffatalityy for the idea, so when Shocksquatch builds up a lot of electricity, he'll send it to his fist and Smash it on the ground causing a ShockWave and it'll cause a electrifying earthquake. His 3rd new ability is electrical bite, he can build up electricity with his mouth now... basically how he can use that move, if you played Pokémon you would know what it is. His 4th ability is electrical breath, if he builds up enough electricity with his lungs he can shoot it out of his mouth which is pretty obvious. His last ability is Electric Kite! With enough electricity he can make his own glider with his own electricity, he can use lightning and other electrical stuff too keep him gliding. And one more thing, if Shocksquatch uses too much electricity he'll temporarily fry up his brain causing him to be like Kaminan from My Hero Acadamia, ya know when he uses way to much electricity he'll become dumb, but when it happens to Shocksquatch he does become dumb but it'll also cause an automatic timeout.


Electrical Fur

Electromagnetic Fur

Electrical Armor

ShockWave Plow

Electrical Bite

Electrical Breath

Electric Kite



Next up

Pac-Man and Sonic | Maze Fun!

Pac-Man and Sonic (Shorts) | Wild West with a Pal

YouTube Version- https://youtu.be/wPFRL3UKHPA

Pac-Man and Sonic (Official Logo)

All rights go to SEGA and Bandai Namco


Just a drawing of converses with some kind of shooting star behind (Just drew that because A- Converses are cool and I wanted to learn to draw them and B- I wanted to do an illustration with very bright colors)

Pac-Man and Sonic (Official Poster)

(I don't know how to render, I'm still SFM)

Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)

Animation Test 2 (ft. Surge and Metal Sonic)

What the fuck is Elon Musk doing in FNAF?

Another art trade! (The second photo was what they gave me!)

Upcoming Story Arc for Pac-Man and Sonic! This is how they meet Cuphead and Mugman BTW.