Bondee's Barnyard: Safety Violation

1 year ago

Bondee's is (mostly) bug free!

As a game programmed by only one person, Bondee's was bound to release with some bugs. But after a lot of trial and error I am happy to say that the game should work as intended 99% of the time with the newly released 1.5.0!

A lot of bugs have been patched out these past few days, here are the most notable fixes and additions:

  • Most importantly, I finally added descriptions to all characters on the Custom Hour screen!

  • Added more options into the settings! You can turn off both Motion blur and Particles, improving performance on lower end hardware!

  • Fixed a common glitch where Chickling would slam into the same door multiple times in a row.

  • Originally when beating Night Mode the secret ending wouldn't play, it does now.

  • If Bondee got blocked from either of the hallways by another one of the animatronics he would instakill you when he arrived.

  • In Custom Hour if you had both Pablo and Mother on they could cancel out each other. If Pablo played his song while Mother was at one of the doors she'd instakill you.

  • Added a piece of text in the first cutscene explaining that you hold down LEFT-CLICK to skip all cinematics.

  • Reanimated the animation of Kou on the security camera and rerendered Chickling's running animations.

  • Made the hitbox of Geet when he's shut off smaller, so you can't kill yourself on accident.


I am so happy with the reception the game has gotten and I am happy to still be putting out updates to make the game a better experience for everyone!

Thanks for playing!



Next up

Bondee's Barnyard: Safety Violation 2.0 is out!

Biskop Henrik

What do you get when you mix a goat and a sheep?

Every shadow is a caution.


long night

Bondee's at home!

Bondee's 2 Ice Cream Bar, through development

BLOOD & GEARS: FNAF 1 Trailer Recreation

DISCLAIMER: This is not our official trailer! This is simply a recreation of the first FNAF trailer with our assets for fun. Enjoy! :)