3 years
Almost 1,000 followers
Plenty of projects that have come, stayed and gone
plenty of friends aswell that i’ve met.
Over all this time, I didn’t think i would get to where i am today, so i wanna say
Thank you.
Thank you for everything ya’ll have done for me, throughout all these years.
People i want to mention:
@sol2rfl2r3 : thank you for sticking by my side even in the worst of scenarios, and for getting me into Hatred Corps, one of the best friend groups I’ve been in for so long.
@Mspaint-IV : Thank you for all the arts you’ve made me, helping me with stuff like FNAI and other projects.
@impostorguy : thank you immensely for helping with FNAI, i don’t think the game would be here if it wasn’t for you.
@monochromemann : thank you for being a immense pal, for everything from arts to helping me with my mental health.
@ThatOneInkling : thank you for helping me with projects, and being there to chat with most of the time.
@TerKeno : thank you for getting me into a lot of stuff, and helping me when i was down
And thank you to everyone else for letting me get this far. Thank you, IMMENSELY.
Keep the fire burning, and let it burn forevermore