Miami Traffic 4
8 years ago

Character addition

As a second, probaply playable, protagonist I will introduce Floyd Weathers as Martins Counterpart. Floyd is slightly younger then Martin and a different personality, while they have alot in common Floyd takes everything alot more lightly, he is also a good deal more morally decadent, more speedy and energetic. He is much more over the top and is in it mostly for the thrill. He gets a great sense of empowerment from murder and defying the police. Managing to get away with this shit too.

An unsatisfiable wild man with little regard for morals and standards who is very bitter against a society full of hypocrisy.
What works works and people who think they are better indiviuals because they abide social constucts are weak and stupid in his eyes. He is bitter for having been oppressed and mislead by these people his whole life, those who stand in the way of him going his way, will have to pay for it with their lives.

All this while being a humorous energetic lunatic with a temper.



Next up

Copyright security neccesitates me to edit hotel names into silly parodies such as turing Colony Hotel into Cologne Hotel. Cologne is a charming city in Germany closeby where I live.

Lots of 3d modelling work. really trying to get south beach nailed down then I look forward to working on the everglades swamp.

The idea is to have the map rather large but also full of interesting details instead of just inaccessable building models all over the place.

There is still infinite work but there's a halfway decent vibe

We're back baby!

Now in a proper game engine! Miami traffic IV has come to unity3d. However financially supporting myself has been a pain in the ass! You can support devlopment of miami traffic 4 on patreon:…

the vibe is getting in the right direction

I intended to start completely fresh but have returned to my old tradition of setting the foundation of the vibe through recreating the iconic ocean drive boulevard first. This is starting to become recognizable and details will grow out from this center.

Just as Pecaminosa's musicians #improvise this rendition of #LittleSunflower 🌻, so do we improvise with this post you're reading. 😂

What's coming out of your own improvs? 🤔

#Pecaminosa | #IndieDev | #OST | #Jazz

art comission.

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.
