A brand new "Imagine It!"/"Aureate Afterglow!!" Sticker.
Also, a sneak peak of a redesign of Dr. Eggman "Conquer-Up!"
The frame features the Characters' faction.
Dr. Eggman "Conquer-Up!" is the Mischief Mastermind himself, The Leader of Evil Fraction: Nefarious Empire and other form of Dr. Golden "Prepare-Up!".
He's also the Man behind the Intrigue...
The one, who wants to gain a total control over everything by capturing and trapping Silent "Player-On!".
Plot in the Comic: "Imagine It!" :
He wants to use the main protagonist as the key of gate to get out from his
Virtual Reality and invade Silent's "Player-On!" Actual Reality as well.
The series "Aureate Afterglow!!" stickers are completed, next update will be
"Hush! & Hustle!" stickers.