Claustrophobic Nights

12 days ago

Claustrophobic Nights 1 Year Anniversary! - Devlog Post

First off, I wanted to thank everyone for all the support and love the game has received so far; I never could have guessed that I would’ve gotten anywhere near this much support from the project, and I am very happy to be developing it for you all. And though this game wasn’t meant to be in production for what is now one year, the team and I are still working hard to give you all what is hopefully one of the best FNaF fan games out there.

What is Claustrophobic Nights?

If this is your first time hearing of the game, or you’ve just forgotten over time, Claustrophobic Nights is a reimagining of a VR game by my friend kiririntan, Crawlspace 2. But in this game, I’ve redesigned everything to go with FNaF, added multiplayer with advanced proximity voice chat, a full story mode campaign in the post game, challenges and minigames, a full extras menu museum, and much, much more.

Currently, the game has a small roadmap of builds planned out: Version 1.0 including 3 nights of the single player mode and multiplayer, Version 1.1 including the full game story mode, Version 1.2 including tons of multiplayer addons, minigames and more, etc. If you want to see the full progress board, check out the trello for the game here

How close is the game to release?

Making a multiplayer game is not easy, let alone a VR one. In its current stage, I’d like to say Claustro is decently close to coming out (being on Alpha 9 of its testing phase), and I am confident in getting it out this year. However, I’ve been getting better at programming as the game's development has progressed, and I can’t say for sure whether or not there will be more major code revamps; this is my first multiplayer and VR project after all. If you don’t want to wait until it’s out to play, you are able to join the community Discord server where you can test the game

All you need to do to test the game upon joining is press ‘Sign Up 🟢’ on the first question.


What exactly is being worked on currently?

As of writing this post, the netcode for the game is being overhauled to be much easier to work with. This means I am making it easier for myself to add things like more enemies or minigames in the future. If you want to stay up to date on the current development focus and whatnot, you can join the Discord server or check out the trello board above.

What to expect next

There probably won’t be too many posts on major updates for the game over the next couple of months since all I’ve been working on is netcode. Once I’m done with all of that though, you guys can expect posts regarding some of the game’s enemies and single player stuff coming up. And once I’m done with those areas of the game, the game will be pretty close to coming out.

Again, thank you all so much for all of the support over the past year, I am so unbelievably excited to launch the game when it’s done.

Stay tuned,





Next up

happy gay month guys

Heyyo everyone!

Again, sorry about the lack of any real updates in the last few months

A while back, I made a public development progress site for the game if you want to see what's new development-wise. Feel free to check it out!…

POPGOES Evergreen - Blake the Badger wallpaper (4K)

been working hard recently

Say Cheese!!!


The game page for Claustrophobic Nights has reached 1,500 followers! As a celebration, I will be posting some screenshots on over the next few days!

Also, if this post gets 50 charged stickers, I will upload a secret track for the game's OST.

Here's Parts And Service!!!

uhhhhh uhhh uhhhhhh