Crossovertale: Murder Night at The Inventory

3 years ago

Crossovertale C# Rewrite progress (December)

Hey all! It's time for another Crossovertale progress update. The C# rewrite is going fantastic, and we have quite a few gifs to show off today.

HDR Lighting and Emission


Yes, that's right! We have the capacity for HDR Lighting and bloom. Post-processing effects are something we'd like to get some use out of to give Crossovertale and its battles a little extra impact. We'll see how we can apply this as we move forward, but we are definitely looking forward to using this and other shaders to spice things up.

Don't worry - if you don't think you'll do well with this kind of thing, we plan to include an option to disable it.



Crossovertale will have a buff system, too! And with a fancy display to boot.


Certain buffs may be granted by certain items, interactions, or attacks. Buffs and debuffs can apply to enemies, too. Buffs don't persist outside of battle.

Overworld System

Admittedly, we still have a ways to go in the Overworld, as in the C# rewrite, with a lot of maps made before the rewrite we have to catch up on. But by making the important systems we'll use first, I'm making sure we won't have to retrace our steps later.

Here is a temporary test map we've set up to help us get things done:


We are using Unity's tile map system, along with some map editing systems I've set up, to set up things like room appearances and collision.

(Short demo in the editor if you're interested:)


Unlike in CYF, we can edit maps visually, place them next to one another in the editor, and edit room transition destinations visually.


The Crossovertale menu theme and enemy viewer are looking as spiffy as ever~

Battle Transitions


(reminder: this is a placeholder event)

The C# rewrite really starts to pay off here. When we were using CYF, it'd often take a second or more to load up a battle. Now it's pretty much instant!

On top of this, I've set up a modular system for customizeable transitions - into and out of battles, or even across other kinds of scenes.


These are just some quick examples - they may not even be used in the final thing. But they should illustrate well just how much more control over loading times we have now than we did before!

Oh, and one more thing...


Expect a shiny new version of the Intro cinematic soon!

That's all for now!

I'm going to sign off here. There's additionally a lot of stuff that we aren't showing because of story spoilers, but we promise it's good~


Oh, and please be patient with us - we're a very small team, not to mention that we literally decided to rewrite our entire game from scratch in another language. This is a hobby/passion project for us, and we may not always have the time for it, on top of some recent real life developments that need our attention. But we're still hanging in there, so bear with us!



Next up

Crossovertale C# Rewrite progress (June)

Help Wanted!

11/11 Progress Report and Asset Showcase

noelle joined

Regarding Unity's announcement on "runtime fees" yesterday...

Wheel of Misfortune

We are honored to participate in Underevent, touched by your excitement and eager to keep working on more Crossovertale going forwards!

Expect more devlogs in the future as well as updated gallery!

Crossovertale 01/01 Devlog


What's up with CT? Is it dead? What's the holdup?