Super Galaxy Ranger Luna 64
8 years ago

Current Content 05/30/17

Latest Content for Super Galaxy Guardian Luna 64


Current Worlds:

  • Spacestation Endevor: A Human space colony far from home. This is the closest thing humans have to a home in this sector of the galaxy.

  • Skillia: An ancient world ripped apart thousands of years ago by some cataclysmic event. Its molten core still hot and slowly pulling the pieces back together.

  • Whurn: A giant ball of water and Ice. Normally uninhabited except for the occasional traveler attempting to collect water.

  • Lethea: A lush temperate world and home to the small primitive Riwi. Riwi are famous for their grand and elaborate castles and temples.

  • Muizuno: Hot and desolate world, yet home to the fiercest warriors in the galaxy, the Kryvesk. Its easy to get lost in the endless desert.

  • Unidies3: The third moon of Unidies, a purple gas giant. A bizarre mix of snow and volcanic activity. Rumor says their may be a Xhomic stronghold here.


Notable Guardians:

  • Luna: The main character of the game, and the player. The strong quiet type who is easy to get along with, but someone you wouldn’t want to get on the bad side on. Luna is fresh out of the Academy when the Xhomic began their invasion.

  • Sierra: Another recruit out of the Academy. She has a lot of drive and charisma but lacks in skill and experience. She heavily depends on Luna and Vega for support. She and Vega along with other recruits were aboard the Endevor during the Xhomic invasion.

  • Vega: An experienced Guardian. Popular with Guardian recruits looking for a calm and collected mentor. While he would happily risk everything to save his fellow humans, Vega seems to be more hesitant to lend a hand to non humans.

  • Stella: Among the top elite Guardians. Proud, mysterious, and antisocial are her defining characteristics. Unfortunately thats all anyone knows about her.



  • Humans: A relatively new race in this side of the galaxy. Originally from a far away planet named Earth, here humans mostly live on the space station Endevor or in a handful of small terrestrial colonies. While their numbers are small, Humans have some of the largest warships in the known galaxy. Unlike other races humans do not all share one culture, and war between the cultures is a very real threat.

  • Kryvesk: An ancient reptilian race originating from the desert of Muizuno. Known throughout the galaxy for their fierce army. Kryvesk are capable of learning to space travel, but lack the industrialization to build their own ships, instead trades for weapons and technology. Kryvesk have one leader, referred to as king. Kings are chosen by a trial by combat after the death of the current king.

  • Riwi: Small peaceful humanoids with large ears, found only on Lethea. Riwi have been in contact with and even trade extraterrestrial life but are not interested in the technologies of the more advanced races. They are interested in precious metals and use them to build elaborate castles, cities, and temples.

  • Xhomic: Like humans Xhomic are new to this sector of the galaxy. They appeared shortly after the arrival of Humans. From the moment of their arrival they have been at a state of war across the galaxy. They come in many shapes and sizes and their population seems limitless. While capable soldiers they do not seem to have any social interactions amongst themselves outside of combat. Which suggests they may be under the control of another group or individual.



Next up

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