Lina's AppleTree Babies

13 days ago

Day5 for Tree1, Day3 for Tree2 & Day1 for Tree3/4

Remember that I want to give them all names! Tree1 is fimale, Tree2 is male & the other two idk yet so I guess feel free to decided.



Next up

Monika #PrideJolt

shes Pansexual and it is every fitting to her

The Family of baby AppleTrees. My Pliers, my Wrench and @michaelmayonnaise Coes

It was such a fun time with @MichaelMayonnaise ^^

So @sammyblack drew a #Fusion of me and her as a surprise for me and I had the idea to do the same after seeing hers + I needed something easy, silly, simple, fun to get me into the mood to draw ^^

Note this was right after I was Hack on Discord,

don't make my mistake when you look at an eclipse

So here is tree6... I think they probably dead... Mom told me to just put them into the dirt to see if maybe they grow again. I don't think they will

As promised, here's the video of the kingsnake! It was displeased by my existence. It even shook its tail a tiny bit... You ain't no rattlesnake!

Oh, and I also put a little warning in the beginning for any who have a fear of snakes, as requested.

So after the thing with Tree6 I kind of forgot to tell you the news of my other trees

Faline is getting more leafs it looks like Stumpson is doing good too 4 is getting big Clea is every tiny but also every pretty and healthy looking 5 still the same 6

Day8 outside for Tree5

He's growing so far big

She's going to be a big big tree when he's older

Snapped this photo of some bluets!

By the way, have you seen @LinaWorker 's community for everything plants and gardens?