4 months ago

Decided to draw Goku properly for the first time

(This is my first time drawing him so he looks a little off)



Next up


Have teaser for pokemon au!

It's nidoqueen and nidoking btw

Never said this on game jolt before but good night yall!

I have two tests this week so wish me luck!!

I'm not done

But idk of I'll finish this

Left is male, right is female

Hope yall like them though!!!

New hydrangea pattern for a couple of my shops.

Speaking plainly, this didn't end with the look I originally intended for it, but I'll just keep doing my best as I go along, continuing to learn. All I can do, really!

: Krita

He's so ugly

I love him

Let me just take a nap... All day long... Okay? LOL So sleepy today. Hope you're all doing well!

Also, here's a little WIP. Haven't decided how I'll proceed with this one just yet, probably 'cause my brain is asleep.

: Clip Studio Paint

Was bored

Right is og

Me creating a fanon on character?? Pfft.. I would never. | Anyways… this is Marietta and I adore her 👉👈 | I don’t have a backstory for her, other than maybe the cat part is from a curse or failed spell | fandom is dungeon meshi :)

Thingy in article