Star Story

9 years ago

Demo Release 16.02.04

Well, 6 or 7 releases or so and all of them had a very crucial bug denying you to play the demo. It’s quite normal of course some bugs pop up in this stage of the game’s development, but never before did I encounter a mess like this. I have to deeply apologize. Since I don’t have a camera to show you how I have to bow in shame, the picture above will have to suffice.

That is why I decided to suspend the development itself to thoroughly test the game to make sure all fatal bugs on vital spots are fixed now. If I’m correct all that shit should be fixed now for BOTH the WINDOWS and the MAC versions of the game.

I still must impress though, that “Star Story” is still a work in progress. That still means there are some issues yet unfixed (they should however not crash the game any more) and the game is also only playble until obtaining your spaceship “The Hawk”. (You can however already play one secret dungeon that gets unlocked upon reaching The Hawk. If you can find it, that is) ;)

On the moment I posted this, the new version of “Star Story” is being uploaded. Before you download make sure the version number of the download says “16.2.4”, as whatever I post now, only applies to that version. If you see any lower version, then please wait, the version you want will appear in less than an hour.



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