Zenand Garden: Factory Fresh
2 years ago

Development Update M3D25Y22

It seems I forgot to do a development update yesterday, which is kinda funny because I actually did crud yesterday, wheras I barely did anything today.

Anyways, I managed to get the code for the factory working, at least, the code for spawning Zenand. I also got a function working that I call "Roll Call", where it basically alerts a global file that it exists, allowing for Zenand to easily reference it.
I have yet to test it, but I'm 100% sure it should allow me to get its position in the Zenand code.

Oh yeah, all of its code is flexible, in the sense that the type of Factory it is (The type of Zenand it's linked too) isn't hard-coded, and is instead based on a variable, meaning I can easily reuse the code for making the other Factories, and could even make more Factories in the future with next to no code modifications (I'd just have to modify a different file, so the factory could get the correct parameters XD)

Honestly, I'm quite impressed with how the Factory is coming along so far.

Now onto the dumb reason I didn't work on the game today.

The games files are on Github, which I basically use as cloud storage for the game, so I can easily work on it on multiple computers, which is vital for it's development.
The reason is because most of development isn't done when I'm at home, it's done when I'm at school, which is the complete opposite of most other developers on this site!

This isn't because this game is a school project, nope, that's another game of mine, "Sweet Memories", which I was working on the other day for a test grade in my class.
The real reason is because I have a ton of time in my one and only class, and since I can do anything on the extremely powerful computers there, I just develop Zenand Garden in my free time (which I commonly have over 4 hours of).

This isn't to say I don't develop at home, I just have less free time at home to spend on development than free time in class to spend on development.
This is where the issue comes in tho. I did almost all of the Factory development on my home computer yesterday, and forgot to push my changes to the repo.

This meant I couldn't work on the Factories at school, because the files I did have, were outdated, featuring no working Factory code. So instead, since I didn't want to start work on something else, just to have to quit working on it for a bit, I decided just to do nothing development related.

Anyways, I did make a bit of progress, I made a flower sprite, which I intend to use as the basis for the "Neutrience" code, using Pikmin terminology, but using this games terminology, it's "Parts" code.
Basically, it's crud brought back to the Factories to make more Zenand.

Anyways, that's it for this Devlog, see you tomorrow!



Next up

An OC I've spent HOURS working on! Skizzy S. Vamgon! #ChrisisArtChallenge

Skizzy S. Vamgon

Smile! Here, take some happy pills! ✨💊 #Blender #3DModelling #3DArt Buy me a Ko-fi:

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"Day to Day" (also check spud out here he's a great guy and writer: