Undertale: Fallen Dreams

3 months ago

Devlog 1:

Fallen Dreams has fallen... introducing Undertale Red*!

As you can see from the title, I have begun work on a new project - Undertale Red*! Undertale Red* features a brand new protagonist and original furry ocs characters! Read on to learn more...

The most important aspect of a game is its protagonist, so I went through several iterations to come up with this design:


This is Krisk, a human child who has fallen into the underground, and after that, into the UnderUnderground, where the game takes place! More on that later. The team and I (just me) are sure you will grow to love this character!

Additionally, no game is complete without important bosses and characters, so here are a few:

This sprite is the final design for a new character in Undertale Red*: Ceroba2! Ceroba2 is a poorly written character with no redeeming qualities and way too much lore relevance!


To help you understand this character, here are some of her hobbies:

  1. Child endangerment

This is your best friend who guides you through the UnderUnderground - Flouey the Flour! Don't ask about his lore, he doesn't have any.


Isn't he cute?

I also decided to add some returning characters from Undertale, so Sans is in the game now too!


Sans will be highly overused in this game, and will have several fights!

Those are all most of the important characters in this game! With that let's move on to the next section of this devlog - this game's areas!

Area 1 - The Ruins 2

Area 2 - Sansland

Area 3 - Waterfall (I can't be bothered to make up a new area)

Area 4 - Coldland

Area 5 - Nuclear Power Plant

Area 6 - Newest Home

Finally, let's cover some of the gameplay!

In order to make this game unique, I have created a brand new battle mechanic - Poor Game Design!

Here's an example:

Additionally, here is a captivating gameplay screenshot! (real)


I can tell you're excited already!

This concludes the devlog, but I have one last surprise for you...

you just got trolled

happy april fool's day

See you in seven years!



Next up

I made this song for a small upcoming Deltarune project of mine (edit: to learn more, refer to this post:…). I hope you like it!

WE HIT 50!!

What should I do to celebrate?

(comment, I don't want to end up doing nothing to celebrate )

Meet Fwoompy, FAUXTALE's stand-in for the Annoying Dog! He will appear occasionally in your playthrough of FAUXTALE, usually blocking your way to certain areas. He also has a new theme, which you can listen to here:

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)

Join The Discord For Updates

Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

For practice using the Undertale soundfont, I have created this theme for a character in an Undertale/Deltarune fangame made by me and my friends (and ChatGPT)! I hope you enjoy!

🥳 The Highrise Game Jam is Underway! 🥳

Watch the video for tips on getting started building your first world in Highrise Studio. (Creating and submitting within Highrise Studio Hub is the only way to enter the jam!)

Learn more:

wha- what did i just find?

(Logic Pro)

How about I introduce myself!

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

FAUXTALE - Devlog 2