Five Nights at Sonic's DX

3 months ago

Devlog 3

This has been long overdue, really.
My internet is back now, so we will do devlog 3.
NIGHT 2 IS DONE!! All 3 ais are finished and we are starting on night 3. One AI is already finished (HEISENBURGUS finished it in a day)
If you were to ask for a percentage, I'd say we're about 27% done. We have a LOT planned for this game, but we're making steady progress.

And also, as you could see, that was taingle's new design!
Tangled! We wanted to make Tangled more like mangle from the original fnaf 2, so they're a mess.
Well, that's all about I can say, enjoy the FNAF anniversary guys!



Next up

An interview with @HeisenbergusS , the coder of fnas 2 dx, fnas 5 dx, and fnas 4 dx!

Say happy birthday to @SomeGuyAndStuff , one of our backup artists!

300 FOLLOWERS Thanks for so Supporting the Project so Much! -SomeGuyAndStuff

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Sonic.EXE!

Complete the quest and you'll get a Sonic pack!

I stared into the darkness and it stared back at me

Bat? Hedgehog? Batgehog?

Just shadow 🌒

I didn't have internet to be able to publish it in time :(( But here was the drawing of day 3 #bat.


As someone who has a skill issue, i'm proud of this.

disclaimer ( + teaser)