4 years ago

Devlog 5-6/14

- This weekend I spent creating the final game timeline, so now I know what scenes, events and characters should appear where

- Also sorted a few bugs and added minor functionality

- No sexy screenshot unfortunately :(




Next up

DUNGEON PATHS September updates! #gamedev #indiegamedev #unity3d

Just roughly blocking out the start area of the game as a test piece for both the level design and game design parts of the process.

This is the first room, with three ways forward. Now, why would that be... hmm :)

My last few months of work...

Devlog 10-11/14

- Been busy doing lots of level logic, and twisting myself in knots forgetting how things work from one level to the next!

- But I think I should make it before the deadline

- Also done some lighting work

Just started on some quick lighting tests - first image is unlit for reference

Devlog 9/14

- Did some lighting on the cryo pod bay

- Started the dialogue and task logic in the crew quarters, discovered I needed a few more things to make it all functional, fixed some bugs

Slow progress, but should speed up now

Well hello!

This is the first devlog for Demon Detective, and I'll be doing a (usually) weekly article to let you know about my progress.

But for now "Hi!" and I'll see you around :)

Devlog 4/14

Hang on - isn't this the same picture as yesterday? Oh no it isn't! This one shows I have got task statuses working, they can be ticked, and I can reset them as needed.

Painstakingly dull work, but necessary.


August #gamedev update 01 - in-game UI setup!

#indiegame #unity3d