
9 months ago

devlog "5" ,with alot of motivational drainage

hey yall,its overmeme again,back at it with another "devlog"

I don't really have much to talk about with the game specifically,other than me finishing "the madmen" ai.But I want to talk about something a bit more serious.

disclaimer: everything past this point is just for me to get this stuff off my chest,so dont be symathetic for me too much to follow me or my games,because I would like to earn a follow throught my own art and game dev skills rather than get it from a sob speech

I've been losing alot of motivation for this project. Now sure, I love the idea of this game, and its mechanics, but I just don't think anyone's gonna appreciate it like I will. Hell, just like pinky 3:storage , I wanted to create a game with extremely unique mechanics, and no one really was too interested in it. And, honestly, I know that to some extent I don't deserve that praise.

I get that my art isn't the best, and my "music" is just flat out bad. there's many others who done significantly better than I have in every category that makes a fnaf scratch game "good" five times over. I know that comparing myself to others isn't the healthiest way to think, but it's hard to do that when my favorite games are these fnaf scratch games.

My popularity only first stemmed from a mid fnaf 2 rip off with ok lore, and ended with me staying on this god forsaken platform where I only got 45 followers in the span of 2 years! I've seen people get twice that many followers in the span of months! and even worse, they actually deserve those followers!

do I blame you followers for that? no, yall simply picked the better game dev, and I just gotta do something more impressive than this.

So just to end off this sob story, Im (somehow) not gonna be quitting this game, but I definitely am not going to not posting here for awhile, since I'm not really gonna be getting followers either way. I hope I get this game finished once summer ends, but with my lack of motivation, I doubt it. I might post on other stuff that I'll do, like with that obscure fnaf card game art thing, which somehow got more likes than all of my devlogs combined (excluding that one movement system one that I accidently compressed so hard that it actually looked good).

TL:DR : I've lost a lot of motivation because I can tell that many people are not interested in my games, and are more interested in people that (more or less) are better at making fnaf scratch games than me in way too many ways, so I'm just gonna stop posting about this game, and instead post about some art work, or lesser projects.

So that all I have to say gamers and game devs,I hope yall have a good day.

P.S. this ramble wasn't caused by any 1 person, and I'm not gonna be blaming it on someone else, all yall did was make good games,so dont harass anyone (i dont know why i put this here,I dont even have enought fans to harass someone lol)

P.S. P.S. I am very thankful for everyone who has followed me and my games,as yall were the reason I kept posting here.I'd expessily like to thank MORECOOLERBOI on scratch ( ) as he's made some awsome "re-colored" fangames of both 3 nights at pinkys and pinkys factory fracture ,so check thoses out if you really want too.

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Next up

"the copycat" modle reveal!

"the televised" modle reveal!

Emma model I made in blender... Would y'all play a 3D Emma's game?

-... .- -.-. -.- / - --- / - .... . / -... . --. .. -. -. .. -. --. / ----. --... .---- .---- ----. -.... ---.. ....- ...--

More Emma- Emma's 3D could be real...

Rotten Pinky redesign + teaser (oh and a devlog or something)

Rotten Boy reveal + mini devlog

TLO: TEOD Q&A! (Ended)

the state of this game