A Day In The Life

5 years ago

Dialogue windows and other news (Expand)

Poll: Area of focus

Poll info: We are working to get the small farming demo working now. Thing is. Most of the farming functionality is there. so we are now looking to you to find out what you want to go with it . vote down below.

Would you believe it was a few months back we first saw the dialogue system? A small text window and promises of further game play. Or the day a day in the life hit a giant snag. Well okay I did. while it was simple enough to show text. It was incredibly difficult to display text. Have branching pathways and not have the text all try and display at once. Well now that is no longer a problem for us, and with it we can finally move on from the rut we've been in.

Its not all been bad however. We have farming tools almost ready. Only thing keeping tools down is lack of animations. which are being made as and when they are needed. We are also hoping to up the anti on crop tiles by implementing wonder crops at long last. as well as weeds and stones which will lead us gently into mining and tool upgrades :)

  3 votes Voting finished



Next up

I know updates have been slow but there really isn't much to talk about when you're just tidying up existing code. We're looking at updating the art style to be just that bit nicer. The crop system working with an overhaul to interactions with tools.

Finally, I've had some time to do some more work on the recode. There is hardly anything to see except for this utilitarian clock which can be swapped to 12 and 24 hours in settings. The lighting again changes through the day too.

(Mines and menus preview build)

Available for testing now

working on a new mechanic for the prototype. no need to wander over to those far away items when you can just send in your drone.

Finally, you can sell the fruits/veg of your labour. :)

Our latest efforts have been rewriting our scene change code and with that comes some lovely transitions made using a greyscale image and a new shader.

Buttons ver 2- jumpscare Test

Quick update on the project, Dialogue system has been rewritten from the old version of the game, functionally the same but a lot easier to use. The camera has been worked on and the inventory is being expanded with things like drag and drop.

Character customization: How and why bother? (expand)

I'm currently working on a new game with a team of people. Here's a mannequin being assaulted for test purposes. Gotta do what you gotta do for your damage systems.