So what's new?
New design
New profile pic
New banner
channels now are more stylish B)
New channels
Made by AI: here you can share art made by artificial inteligences
Web design: If you are a Web devloper or designer and if you use CSS or another way to do that, you can share screanshoots, code or links of your websites
Join to the talk: here you can talk and let moderators know what changes would you like to see, if you have complaints, you can share them here
New rules
Use watermarks!, if not, we have to see your profile to check your style, if it's all ok you'll have a feature on your creation
DON'T upload stolen content, if you like what other person did and if you want to share it, you can do it in the channel: "It's not mine but I like it"
Remember that we are working to do of Digital Art one of the best communities here on Game Jolt
Keep creating :)