
4 years ago

Early work in progress of the game can be seen here.


This is my little project I have been working off and on for the past couple weeks. its a cyberpunk action adventure game. The entire game can only have a total of 8 missions and there are no level overarching inventory or plot systems implemented. While simple at its core, I hope I can deliver something that is still a rich and atmospheric experience. This game is developed without a specific pace to it, I get to it whenever I can and feel like it, but I have made some major strides yesterday and figured it was time to open a good ol' thread. Truth be told, I wanted to hold off on publishing it before I had a playable demo but it just doesn't feel right to work without a work in progress page.
You might notice that I have re-purposed some levels from previous wip projects to speed up development. However, its all overhauled to work with this titles aesthetics that are decidedly more tropical than previous installments in the Acythian universe.

I've added quite a lot to the game and have blocked out enough of the environments, whats supposed to happen in those environments and of course how do I keep what is happening in those environments at a reasonable framerate to slowly start working on the characters.
That will be for the next update though, what I have done so far is detail level 2, the first mission and convert a whole bunch of the classics collection items to go with my art style.

Thats all I got for now! More to come and your feedback is, as always, highly appreciated!



Next up

After some technical issues I got helped with by helpful members of the community, here are some impressions of the industrial area for Spectre. Some inverted text will get fixed later on.

Alpha tests, slow but steady progress ... still here! :)

Feel free to read whats new.

Spectre: Harbor Area and various other work in progress related things discussed in this article.

Update for spectre. Work being done on optimisation. Also featuring overhauled screenshots and video of the first level.

Devlog for Spectre from the 2020 build. More to come soon to complete profile and release alpha build soon(ish). Thanks for checking in!

New custom hair and face textures for spectre.

3D clutter and environment art for the game spectre.

Alpha Version of the Apothecary Levels. Some jank is to be expected.


Dialog System : 0:14

Gathering Hidden Items: 02:26

Nightclub: 05:44

Minor Fire Fight: 06:44

Entering the church: 11:56

Exclusion Zone : 14:00

West Yantai Loading Dock for Spectre. More info in article attached to this post. Visit project here:

Spectre. Slow progress and outskirts port city level.