29 days ago

El MX fanart

Because I'm so bored

Right now I can't use my PC because I In another place,so I drew it with my cellphone :v

But well,MX

And withouth color because...I don't want xd



Next up

a normal drawing of sonic the hedgehog without nothing of creativity XD

Guys,who have sonic Mania Plus for PC?

Because YouTube doesn't have good tutorials for download it :/

well lets work tomorrow XD...but well,here is a picture of Lefty with the overloaded desing

i think tommow i will very tired for make something with the game,because i going to a 15 party and well...i will stay there until 3:00am i think XD

"The Women Lover" x

( She loves women too much like very too much.) also Pride month post

I'm happy :) XD

But Good bye Money ._.

Well that direct was certainly something

Anyway have this absolutely adorable potato

quien para ayudar con fnas overloaded?

somo 6 personas nomas y a uno lo banearon :V

who to help with fnas overloaded? We are just 6 people and one got banned :V

random drawing of sonic XD

dont ask why he have a energy ball :v

It's gonna be May!

a silly sonic drawing :v (yes,the ears dont have hollows XD)