StarsCollapse: Secretos de StarsPark

3 years ago

>> ESP <<

Sistema de Configuración Gráfica

>> ENG <<

Graphic Configuration System

>> ESP <<

El BetaTesteo de #StarsCollapse fue bastante prometedor! En especial en cuanto a los requisitos del juego.

Es por eso que estoy más animado que nunca para crear el Sistema de Configuración Gráfica y así ampliar el rango de PC que lo podrán correr.

PD: Brillo-Config en proceso btw 👀

>> ENG <<

The #StarsCollapse BetaTesting was quite promising! Especially in the game requirements.

That is why I am more excited than ever to create the Graphics Configuration System and thus expand the range of PC that will be able to run it.

PD: Brightness-Config in process btw 👀



Next up

# ----- # ESP # ----- #

¡La v1.1.0 ha salido!

# ----- # ENG # ----- #

The v1.1.0 is out!

>> ESP <<

¡Gracias! BetaTesters ❤

>> ENG <<

Thank you! BetaTesters ❤

# ----- # ESP # ----- #

¡StarsCollapse ha salido!

# ----- # ENG # ----- #

StarsCollapse is out!

My TJOC model pack is now officially released! (Read below for tips BEFORE you download them)

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 18: @Otis_Le_PoOtis is the Creator of Bondee’s Barnyard and posts updates about their dev journey and their work on the sequel!) Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

# ----- # ESP # ----- #

¡El asunto de Ryzen 5 ha sido resuelto!

# ----- # ENG # ----- #

The Ryzen 5 issue has been solved!

# ----- # Original # ----- #

>> ENG <<

Object Viewer v1 🕵️‍♂️

>> ESP <<

Visualizador de Objetos v1 🕵️‍♂️



La v1.1.0 está lista y en etapa de testeo