11 months ago

ESP: me gusta el salto de calidad que e conseguido en un año, creo que e avanzado bastante

ENG: I like the leap in quality that I have achieved in one year, I think I have advanced quite a bit

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The Discord server now has English chat, if you are an English speaking person and want to have fun JOIN 😀


BANG BANG || (Art)



Just a drawing of converses with some kind of shooting star behind (Just drew that because A- Converses are cool and I wanted to learn to draw them and B- I wanted to do an illustration with very bright colors)

ESP: Nuevo PFP de halloween 🎃

Porcierto, muchas gracias por ya casi llegar a los 360 seguidores, ya casi llegamos a los 400

ENG:New halloween PFP 🎃

By the way, thank you very much for almost reaching 360 followers, we're almost at 400.

ESP: Lleva gritando todo el día.

ENG: He's been screaming all day

Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)

ESP: Un par de garabatos random hechos en clase, tampoco es que sepa que más postear la verdad :v

ENG: A couple of random doodles made in class, I don't really know what else to post :v