Neon Blade

10 months ago

Это новый персонаж для моей игры и да это просто еще набросок. В будущем буду постить куда более лучше с ней скетчей и потихоньку рассказывать ее историю. Ожидайте новых постов



Next up

это концепт улицы для моей игры. Если быть точнее так будет выглядить примерно арена, где будут происходить всякие ульчные сражения

Look at these handsome men. the first enemies for the first build are ready tomorrow I will make a level

Hello, readers!

I recently made my first build for the game, you can rate it, And so soon there will be news on the game and remaking mechanics from the past for new games and everything else. Follow the news in Gamejolt!

Redraw 2021-2024

I tried to stay as close to the original as possible, tho I did change a few things

The background in the old version is a crime, I should've been executed.

небольшие концепты гг нарисованы (так иногда коряво ибо я делаю в) полумертвом состоянии после работы

Skyward Sword possibly had my most favorite story, and the most expressive Link has ever been!

Everyday I wish we can get this link back and this type of stories in the LoZ series (ngl I also enjoyed the gameplay)

Draw sprites for hieght damage atack :3

Here I made the first build for my game

you can play and rate in the comments

I cross-stitch birds, too : )!

yes, I was gone for 3 months because of my studies and household chores and I did just a little bit on the neon blade, but soon 2024 and I will try to make at least an alpha version of the game

keep a couple of screenshots from mob development