2 days ago

Everyone, I have something I need to talk about, and it pertains to a particular person on this site that I USED to respect/like. All of the information will be presented in the article below with full context, please read it completely if possible.

Firstly, before I begin my statement, I want to make things clear on a couple of things.

  1. Each post on top is numbered in chronological order, so every event that happened will be listed accurately.

  2. For the person I am talking about, I have blocked their name with black bars to prevent harassment. The entire point of this post is simply for awareness of others who don't know the situation. Just for clarification, the person I'm talking to is the one with the cat for a profile picture, and the profile picture on Part 3 was a previous profile picture of the subject in question. I have not censored Kane Carter's profile as he's a public figure who everyone knows at this point. Additionally, he was the person who showed me the proof of this user's lies, so I give him my complete gratitude. I have not pinged him in this post out of respect for him as a person. Any other users mentioned in this post will be unnamed in order to respect their privacy.

  3. I originally didn't even plan to make this post. I thought I could just walk it off and forget about what happened because the person I was talking about didn't deserve my attention, but the events that transpired made me realize that I can't just let it slide. The person I'm referring to attempted to remove the evidence implicating him, and released an incredibly piss-poor apology in response. I like to live a life of peace and no conflict, if someone does something stupid I try to ignore it since it never involves me. But this time I think it's required that I bring this up. This was a friend I knew for a good WHILE, and as such I find this to be extremely betraying. I am making this post as a piece of awareness for anyone who knew this guy/did not know about the things he did.

  4. I am VERY sorry if this type of energy isn't expected from me, I don't ever want to make people uncomfortable with my posts, but I believe this post is an exception. Still, if you don't want to read it, I will understand, this is more of a personal issue between me and someone I used to trust. Please don't think any less of me.

    With all of that being clarified, please allow me to explain my experience with user @/EEXES (I have not notified him directly so that he doesn't see this post, he knows what he did).

    Parts 1-2: In my most currently recent post (the Stone Hearsay one), I received these messages from EEXES, who, after he said he liked my art, told me that he was permanently banned from the Popgoes and FNAC communities. I felt bad so I asked him why was he banned. He claimed that he was banned because he was a "Christian". I was understandably confused considering he didn't look or act like one of those Christians. I told him that I hoped things got better. And that's when Kane notified me.

    Parts 3-7: It's at this point that Kane commented on the matter with a picture of EEXES (with a different profile picture) making an open statement showing his dislike for the LGBTQ+ community. Kane revealed that the REAL reason EEXES was banned from those communities was due to repeated comments of disgust towards transgender characters, as well as general bigotry towards minority groups. Upon being caught, he says "My bad man", and proceeds to foul-mouth Kane and claims that he's changed. At one point he says that Kane "disgusts him" and that he DEMANDS to be forgiven. Part 7 was when I told Kane my thank you for giving me the message, and that I would no longer want to be friends with EEXES after that. But before that, I tried talking to EEXES myself in our DM's.

    Parts 8-18: I proceeded to talk to EEXES and ask him if the stuff he did back then was true. He self-admitted that yes, he did those things. He claimed that he "had" to be homophobic due to his religion (along with saying he had a REASON to think those things) and that he "hangs out with LGBTQ with no shame". I told him that I shouldn't be apologized to because he offended the LGBTQ+ community and he should apologize to THEM. Apparently according to him he "did" and they didn't accept it (I wonder why?). I told him that if he wants to apologize, he should do it NOW while he still can, and to talk to Kane while he's at it after insulting him like that. I tried to empathize with his feelings because I believed in second chances (I STILL do, but they must be authentic and genuine). I directly told him that if he wanted to be forgiven, he needed to make a serious apology and acknowledge his wrongdoings. He then proceeds to say that Kane "isn't a good person either" with not only zero proof but even if it WERE true, that's not what I'm arguing about, I'm arguing about what EEXES (him) said, don't change the subject. I then told him that if he can't admit his mistakes, then I can no longer trust him. Rather than just admitting it, he rather bravely just said to "block him" instead. I basically PLEADED with him to just apologize, and that it shouldn't even be hard to do. Once again, he refused to actually do it, saying that he didn't want to get back to "this toxic friendship". I think it's important that I remind you all that I have quite literally NEVER been toxic to this man. In fact, I have consistently complimented/commented on his drawings MULTIPLE times in the past, and I was a MAJOR poster on his community (referred to by him as the "FNAF Cult"). The sheer AUDACITY to refer to our interactions as "toxic" is just blatantly false. After this, he stated he would in fact make an apology, and that if I didn't accept it, he wanted me "out of his sight". He proceeded to post his "apology" on his profile (you can view it here through Parts 19-20). I read it fully and was very much disappointed at how half-assed and unserious it was. As I stated to him in our DM's, he didn't SOUND genuinely sorry for what he did, he was just sorry he was caught in the first place. Despite all this, I gave him ONE last chance to come clean and tell me the truth of how he REALLY feels. So I just asked 2 questions. The first was "Do you support the LGBTQ+ community?", to which he said "I accept LGBTQ". The second question was "Do you respect people of minority groups?", and he responded with "I respect everyone". After that, EEXES then proceeds to go on a sudden and random tirade about how if he was racist, it was "because of a deep story", and mentioned "You probably never felt aggressed having sex at your birthday". First of all, WTF was even the point of saying that? That had nothing to do with the situation at hand. Second of all, seriously dude? You pulled the "I'm racist/homophobic because of trauma" excuse? It's such a weak cop-out to explain why you feel the way you do. It's like saying someone has the right to be racist because they have autism, which is all kinds of stupid. I told him that I TRULY did sympathize with what happened to him, but I was stern and also told him that it wasn't an excuse to say those things. The final message he sent me before I finally cut him off was an extremely corny thing about "being consumed by darkness" and how it "changes you". After that, I was done. I tried to give him chances, but he clearly showed that he didn't care, so I told him outright that I would no longer be friends with him, and to never interact with my posts ever again.

    Parts 19-20: These two images contain the "apology" that EEXES made. I don't think I need to explain just how awful this apology is, but just to list everything down, I will. First things first, the cover image depicting Withered Bonnie being built in Roblox is just blatantly so unserious and tone-deaf. Dude, you are being shown to have acted homophobic/racist, and the picture you use to notify people of your "super genuine" apology is a goddamn FNAF picture? Jesus Christ. Secondly, once again the typical "I was only full of hatred because of a trauma" excuse comes up, only this time he didn't even bother to actually explain it. Hmm, I wonder why? Thirdly, this man had the sheer BALLS to mention both me and someone who is COMPLETELY unrelated to the situation at hand in the apology. I thought I made it clear that I wasn't the person to be apologizing to? But I guess you need someone to fall back on because God forbid you actually take your consequences head-on, am I right? Lastly, EEXES decided to also notify Kane about this post as well, most likely in a desperate attempt to be unbanned from those communities. Safe to say it hasn't worked. Oh yeah, speaking of that, did I mention that EEXES also deleted ALL of his comments on my posts, INCLUDING the one of Kane calling him out on his bullshit? I'm quite surprised he did that, could it be because he was caught in 4K and thought that nobody would see it? I don't know, you be the judge of that. I think it's time I finally get into my closing statement.

    Conclusion: EEXES, if you're reading this, you are a lying piece of shit who attempted to cover up your actions and act like I for some reason hated you for no reason. When Kane called you out and displayed your hatred for the LGBTQ+ community alongside your hatred of minorities, you insulted him and acted like it wasn't true. You lied to my face about it, acting like you were only banned because you were a Christian. The truly ironic thing is that God would NEVER allow you into his kingdom. A true Christian would actually repent and beg for forgiveness, but clearly you would rather act like a dog who denies shitting on the carpet. You know what's the worst part of all this? You didn't just lie to me, you've lied to EVERYONE. How many people who liked that post didn't see the things you told me and Kane? Of course, I get it, you're too much of a pussy to actually own up to the stuff you CONFIDENTLY said. I bet you didn't think I would screenshot those images, did you? Good thing I did, so now everyone on this site can see just how full of garbage you are. You have permanently desecrated my art with your fake positivity and "compliments". I can't remove my posts from your community, but if you somehow still have a heart, I demand you to remove them. My art doesn't deserve to be featured in the shitty little wormhole you call a community. NEVER interact with my posts ever again, NEVER mention me in a post ever again, and most importantly, NEVER do the shit you pulled with me to anyone else. How could I be so stupid to trust you? Never again. Get the hell out of my face, you disgusting liar. For those of you who have stuck around and finished reading this, I am profusely sorry about this situation. I NEVER wanted it to get to this level, but I realized that people NEEDED to hear the truth. I can't allow this evil man to do this to other people, because who knows how many incidents like this have happened before? To Kane, I thank you with all my heart for letting me know, if it wasn't for that smoking gun of a message you sent me I never would've known. If this post ends up being deleted/reported because of "harassment" or some other stupid shit like that, I will still have been glad to have shared this. With all of that being said, I thank you for your understanding. I will be on a personal break in the meantime, but I will gladly answer any questions that people may have. Let us move on from this and become something greater for the future.

    TL;DR: Gamejolt user EEXES lied to my face about being banned from communities, only to have Kane Carter reveal the truth to me through a fully documented message showing EEXES' history of hatred against minorities/the LGBTQ+ community. EEXES then proceeded to make up bullshit excuses in my DM's in an attempt to make me feel bad, only to essentially give up when he realized I wouldn't budge. He later released an incredibly half-assed apology that misled his followers into downplaying the things he ACTUALLY did. I have called him out on it.



Next up


I know it's not October JUST yet, but seeing as how it's Friday the 13th today and Kendrick Lamar just dropped a new song yesterday, it feels fitting to draw XOR making sure the party STAYS dead. Prepare for chills...


Here's a pretty small drawing I've made featuring Cassidy, Golden Freddy, and the infamous Kazoo. Back in 2020, this little guy accidentally revealed a massive lore drop, and I've provided a little history lesson below! Enjoy!

Hey everyone, today I've made a pretty small but still sweet artwork featuring Dee Dee and Withered Bonnie! This is a gift for two VERY amazing people, @Caro_ and @GiannaHart , who've drawn some awesome little things I previously requested! Enjoy!

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month everyone! To celebrate the occasion, I've redrawn El Chip with a whole new design! Also included as a bonus are 10 Fazbear Facts, provided in both English AND Spanish! PLEASE let me know if I made any mistakes, ¡enjoy amigos!

Happy National Macadamia Nut Day! To celebrate such a NUTTY day, I've drawn Sara & Saffron from Popgoes getting ready to go to town on a MASSIVE nut! I'm more of an almonds guy, but shout-out to anyone who prefers macadamia nuts. Enjoy folks!

What am I doing? I'M MAKIN' MUSIC!

This is a recreation of Ernie Watts' 1980 album "Look In Your Heart" featuring Chipper's Revenge! I love this album, but unfortunately it's EXTREMELY rare and barely on the internet. Oh well, enjoy my fellow jazz lovers!

Hey everyone, here's a recreation I've done of the cover art for Michael Jackson's song "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)", featuring Spring Bonnie and Dee Dee! I hope that you can enjoy it, but I would also like to state a personal message…

Anyone in the mood for some yogurt?

Featuring Dee Dee, I've made a cereal box-styled drawing that's 100% Fazbear-approved! This is also a surprise gift for @_ikiwi , a friend of mine who generously gave me permission to draw their Object Show OC! Enjoy!

"I never knew love like this..."

To cap off my art for September, here's a pretty sweet recreation of Alexander O'Neal's 1987 album "Hearsay", featuring Stone the Crow! This album's such an absolute BANGER to listen to man, enjoy the party while it's HOT!

LET'S KICK THIS PARTY INTO HIGH GEAR! I know I recently said that I was on a break, but for occasions like this I GOTTA pop off! Here's a gift I've made towards two AWESOME individuals, @AverageFranDev and @RadioOfficial , featuring JJ! Hope you all enjoy!