Treasure Island: Nightmare

10 months ago

Everything starts from here..



Next up

❗🦊Second Beta is out🦊❗

No context

Since i'm trying my best to get myself together to prepare for ma final tests in school and trying to make smth i'll show you what is ready for the game rn

A bunch of edits I’ve done.

here we have:

Hellbound P.N. Mickey, Hellbound Oswald, Happy Mouse, Abandoned Mickey, Spirit P.N. Mickey, Spirit Face, True Mickey, George the Eyesore, Nightmare Ortensia and Nightmare Disembodied

Someone is about to enter the gang

Game demo out now!

( A bit late but better now than never ) Some piece of game story and Rewind version of it

❗🦊The content below will be talking about Rewind version of the game, if you are not interested look at the bottom of the post🦊❗

New menu and intro

Slowly and patiently