10 months ago

Fact: Mudkip, Marshtomp and Swampert are actually based on the Mudskipper. The Mudskipper is Fish who is easily the Equivalent of Mudkip in real life.



Next up

Adding even more lucidians, including Lucidian Foc de tabără and Lucidian Băiat.

Adding more stuff.

There's also level 5 Cranes too.

I'll add them right quickly, to the update.



: Clip Studio Paint

Actually, I've modified Several Textures for this game specifically.

Got bored and decided to draw bulbasaur :3 (he is my favourite starter)

I have been listening to Pokedance for what feels like an eternity and I am not bored yet

Just improving my skills.

Okay, working on more stuff, including more cutscenes.

porygon2! also, i made such a cute sticker pack design for may. i'm excited to post it on may 1st!

Cool Tileset, it was originally by Ansimuz, but i modified it.