Star Story
8 years ago

Final (?) beta version before stable???? (16.11.16)

Final beta or not final beta? That’s the question!


Well, the end is now really in sight. Version 16.11.16 is being uploaded as we speak. And if no more bugs are discovered or reported this will very likely be the final version to carry the label “beta”, and also the final version in “early access” mode.

  • The game now has 10 New Game+ cycles. 10 will be the cap. At each cycle the items you can find in dungeons will be better, but the enemies will be harder as well. More weapon upgrades are also allowed. After reaching cycle 10, you can still run a new cycle, but it won’t have any new effects anymore.

  • For some enemies the item drops have been nerfed. It was noted some computers have RAM problems with the item lists I initially set up. These problems should be fixed due to that. I hope the crashes when a battle starts belong to the past with this.

  • There was a bug crashing the game, if you delivered the fatal blow with Yirl’s “Trigger Happy” move on the final boss. This has been fixed. (This bug only affected the final boss, all other enemies were fine).

  • A cosmetic issue has been fixed on the “HP” bars in the status screen. On the higher levels, you could get some visual conflicts. Nothing dangerous, only a bit annoying. I fixed it.

  • A vault issue that could crash the game when all characters had a full inventory has been fixed.

  • A cosmetic error in a secret level of the final dungeon has been fixed.

Currently known issues:

  • There is an issue with Banika’s stock when you pick the healing items. No problem for the normal cycle, but the New Game+ cycles suffer here. Since this issue does not crash the game it’s pretty harmless and some people would never even know if I didn’t mention it here. I will try to see if it’s fixable.

  • The Phantasar Store does not yet scroll. This is just something I could never motivate myself enough for to get it implemented, but I will have to do it now, as I really can’t get this game out of beta with this issue in (even though most players won’t even find the Phantasar missions, I think).

I need to thank 1 Up Nuke and @darkbloodbane most of all for making me aware of tons of unforgivable bugs I had to fix. Too bad Finland and Indonesia are too far away from my home, or I’d love to buy them a drink or something ;)

Well, will the guy with the checker-flag be met soon?
In less than a month we’ll know I guess.




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