1 year ago


Finished picture!!!!!!!!!!!!

If want of i do a ver of a character give me Ur Imagine and in the free time i complete It.

Or Just tip me what to add.



Next up

Yes I doing like a new Imagine for sonic.exe TD Maybe i Will add the characters i writed MAYBE

Bc i Need to understand the next map fo outlaik Will do bc kind and Fair Is kinda..too much coloured eheh

BUt sadly i think It not becomes official

I got Skull Chao yey

who said it was going to be fair

E new update to the picture!!!


i tried do smthhh...

Dustysoup (Soup's Dusttale TAKE)

Tier list of Daybreak 2 survivors.

Daybreak is a game of roblox so YES i need put it to the roblox community no?