Super Mario Bros Lethal Impact

2 days ago

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Wall Jumpin' SMB1 Mario can't hurt you, Wall Jumpin' SMB1 Mario isn't real.

W A L L J U M P I N G S M B 1 M A R I O:

el Mario de SMB1 con wall jump no existe, no puede hacerte daño.

M A R I O D E N E S C O N W A L L J U M P: Emojis event on the discord server cuz Anima Messorem was released 1 year ago and cuz Lethal impact demo is gonna be released soon :D

Just testing some fl plugins

The old YouTube Channel of lethal impact was hacked(400 subs T-T)

I made another 4 now

Thx a lot

Solo quería decir que el canal de Youtube de lethal impact fue hackeado.

Por ahora cree uno nuevo(el link de arriba).

Muchas gracias.


I've come to make an announcement:

Shadow the Hedgehog's a...

Tomorrow i'm gonna submit a test build with prologue and first part of chapter 1 on discord ( 8 PM UTC, then, 07/03/2024 another demo with fixes + more lvls on gamejolt.

Okay, i managed to recover the original channel again, but i need to wait 13 days, so, for now im not zaptyd, im Pikjbvcfdskbv LMAO

New Color Palette Intro and Brigade level

Este fan fan game es oro puro, el diseño de Crimson Hunter es mejor que su primer diseño no te miento.

This fan fan game is gold, the design of Crimson Hunter is better than the first design ngl.

I will not show a lot of the new level.

Mind level will be based on exploration like the ice level(Ice level and the second cutscene will not be playable on the demo), also, the background is just a placeholder, could be replaced later.