Super Mario Bros Lethal Impact
5 months ago

MIND part 2(now is personal lmao).

I wanna show what i have of MIND level(Checkpoint, koopas have a smoother animation now and a placeholder for another cutscene at the end.

If ya liked follow the game :P



Next up

If you wanna play first the demos of Super Mario Bros: Lethal Impact or SMB3 Unbrotherhood follow them or join to our discord server: https://discord.gg/jKdVCxW4qc, (if you follow them you can leave a like :P). SMB Lethal Impact spoiler: boss fight.

Pvz Eternal Remake seeds sprites + some backgrounds made by Drafex14

New "chapter 0" with part of the game lore, 2 levels, new animations and a lot of resprites, that and the conclusion of "Mind" and cave level(and a surprise) will be the version 0.2.

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Mario!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

Top 10 anime fights

Luigi's Mansion

Now you can play as Luigi(Music and idle r placeholders)

Luigi will be playable on the first 2 levels(will be easy, ik some levels of the 0.1 were frustrating lmao)

I didnt show it, but ya can customize controls (A lot of people hate jump with Z).

We started with the development of the local co-op mode and with the generation of random "level screens" :D

Ya estamos haciendo el co-op y la generacion aleatoria de "pantallas de nivel"

Wasn't really motivated today. Just have this Mr.Virtual doodle.

Why i choose to only use 2 colors + background and a max of 300x240, idk, i'm hungry so i will continue this later, hope you like this preview of one cutscene of Lethal impact :P.