These Nights at Jax Justun's 3: Adopted Corrupted

7 months ago

First Teaser For #TheseNatJJs3AC - (Created on: Aug. 10th, 2024) It's getting late, sure glad that this came up towards my mind!!!! Which are of course, Teaser Posters for my future parody games!!!!

So yeah guys, after nearly since three or two years since its release-ness, the first and official teaser for "These Nights at Jax Justun's 3: Adopted Corrupted" is........I mean HAS finally been created and revealed!!!!!! And as you may seen them already, the #1st, #5th, and #6th Adopted Corrupted Children known as "Repperly", "Zapp Lick", and "V" are already seen inside of this teaser right here!!!! And yes, there's an actual full total of SIX Adopted Corrupted Children!!!!! And there's THREE left!!! And those THREE, also known as the #2nd, #3rd, and #4th Adopted Corrupted Children are nothing but trouble as always!!!!!

And of course, their names are "Zombraw Zaenna (Zombraw Z. W. T.)" (which she's known as the #4th Adopted Corrupted Child), then "Mr. Boss Dragon" (which he's the #2nd Adopted Corrupted Child, which I had also forgotten to add him on the official #1000thGameJoltPost that I'd made a few months back). and finally the #3rd Adopted Corrupted Child, which he's known as "Meatley the A.C. Core", also known as just "Meatley"!!!! And yes, all three of those parodies are ALL original characters that I'll be designing and making in the nearest future!!!!

And yes, while typing out this post for tonight/today, I'd made Mr. Boss Dragon as the #82ndPoint1 Parody Character of Jax Justun Studios from Series Five of 2022!!!!! Don't why please, alright??? As always of course, I'll be explaining more and more future details about that later on!!!! Anyways, I hope you all loved this teaser that I'd made for the #3rdTheseNatJJ's game!!!! Sorry I haven't been posting a lot of these things on my very old past future parody games and everything (apart the ones showing off them parody characters and parody cameo characters of course!!!)!!!!! And yes, more future updates will be out shortly, like this one right here!!!! For now folks, see you all next and have a safe and fantastic goodnight sleep!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WantedAdoptedCorruptedChildren!!!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!!! #OhBoy!!!! #TheACCDsArentFriendlyAtAll!!!!!!!



Next up

2022 Parody Character #80 - V (Created on: August 10th, 2024) Oh boy!!!! Another Adopted Corrupted Child's finally been revealed!!!! Umm? How can I explain all of this??? Umm????? First off, HI!!! Secondly, here's the official #80thParodyCharacter........

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2024 DDS Parody Character #37 - Mr. Eye Socket (MES) (Created on: Feb. 27th, 2025) We're all closing in until the very ends of #FebOf2025 you guys!!!!! But that didn't stop Draxx Dustun Studios to end already!!! Because they'd found.......Wait......??????


2022 Parody Character #82 - Zapp Lick (Created on: July 14th, 2024) Well, here we are guys!!! After almost a few days by now, a brand new Parody Character of Jax Justun Studios has FINALLY been created and redesigned!!!!!

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2024 DDS Parody Character #30 - Lord Christmas Ornament (Created on: March 1st, 2025) Well folks, today's finally the day!!!! It is now March 1st, 2025, the #106thYearAnniversaryEvent for Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #37.1 - Sir Eye Socket (SES "Sessey") (Created on: Feb. 28th, 2025) MY GOSH!!!! Are you all seeing what I am seeing here, right???? YEP!!!! It's none other then "Sir Eye Socket (SES "Sessey")" himself!!!!!

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 24: @NickPerson is a great Creator who makes Five Nights at Freddy's fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

2022 Parody Character #82.1 - Mr. Boss Dragon (Created on: January 9th, 2025) Late during at dawn doesn't mean it's the end here folks!!!! But now, Haxx Hustun Studios have finally found the #2nd Adopted Corrupted Child!!!!