1 year ago

Five Nights at Sonic's: Fiercy Forces "Imagine It!"

The Sketches - Clone Sonic & Clone Tails "Tune-Ups!"

The Fanarts made by me.

Made something in the meantime...

Fun Fact:
For those who still don't know why Clone Sonic "Tune-Up!" "meows"
it's because, it's a scare prank against "The Player/Avatar"
(you know, instead of "Boo!" for example) and also
it's a reference to a scene from the Sonic Movie, that you probably know
from which moment...



Next up

A Big Announcement!

Fierce Forces "Joint Jolt!" Community Header and "Stellar Showoff!" Gamepage Header

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #StellarShowoff

Just came to say, that I will retake Anew Stellar Sonic with new addition to my style: Colorful Shading Effect + revealing his full appearance (no hiding hand) + adding him to the media (replacing the current one) as the Fist of the redesigned Characters.

Clone Sonic "Tune-Up!" & '15 Golden Sonic "Memorize-Up!"

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #Horror #Fanart #Art #DigitalArt

You know Sonic the hedgehog? 😀

#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

Blood & Serious Injury

New Thumbnail + Clear and Title Logo ~ 3 Pages ~

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #NFaS #HushNHustle #Horror #Fangame #Fanart #Art

Sonic Heroes Movie Version!

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!