Don't got much to say lol
Let's not waste time and get to the questions already!
"Question" 1 - draw Human Yoshi in your version if you can, please. (@ToyBonnieGamwr2721 )

my girl
Question 2 - How much the gameplay of the game will change a side from being the basic changes for every FNAF 1 fangame? (@Ichiko )
The gameplay has similar changes to how Solar Switchup does it, so characters have very similar mechanics, but each one of them have their own "gimmick" you can say
That's not all though, there are some surprises for the full game...
Question 3 - Is there any new character? (@Ichiko )
If we talk completely new characters specifically made for this game, there's at least 1 (but actually more).
Question 4 - how many hostile characters counting also the easter eggs are in the game total? (@nightmarealex303 )
11 (Remember, this includes easter eggs)
Or actually... maybe a bit more... if we're counting the ████ █████ ████ ██████████
Question 5 - can i hug golden sonic? (@nightmarealex303 )
He'd probably appreciate it, but I wouldn't trust, I mean, look at this face.

Question 6 - did knuckles brought the master emerald with him in the office this time or he will get fired again for not guarding it? (@nightmarealex303 )
Don't worry, he got Big to take care of it ;)
Question 7 - can you draw golden summoning shadow sonic using a ouija board? (@nightmarealex303 )

Question 8 - To Sonic, Why is you gay?! (@sharky222 )

"I'm just a quirky guy!"
Question 9 - Quantas noites vai ter a demo? (How many nights will the demo have?) (@JustARandomGuy4)
Like I have said before, the Demo of the game will be a Custom Night with Sonic, Mario, Yoshi and Tails, so, to answer the question, the Demo will have as many nights as you want to play.
Question 10 - In-universe, does SHPP have any competition? (@EternalEclipse )
If I ever make a sequel of this game and make my own remake series, I do wish to expand on the world of FNaS outside of SHPP, so to answer the question, yes, they have competition, or rather, they WILL have competition at some point in the timeline.
Question 11 - tails what happened to your legs (@Makerslol133 )

"Company tells everyone it was an 'accident with the cloning machines", but the truth is that some stupid blue hedgehog broke my legs while 'play fighting'."
Question 12 - la historia sera igual o distinta a la del FNAS original? (Will the story be the same or different from the original FNAS?) (@misha_the_funki )
There are changes, but the main story is still basically the same.
Question 13 - Mini theory: do their puplis grow bigger and the red dots in them become red glowing puplis? (@MTSH2015 )
Basically yeah, though that's not really visible in the game.
Question 14 - What does the ??? Mean in the game (@yessyBoudet )
It was said on the gamepage a while ago before I removed it, but it's related to the progress of the █████ ████ that will ████ ███████ ████████ and well... ███ ██████████ ██
That should explain it ;)
Question 15 - to sonic:is there a reason for the grey shoes? (@Assault_Thunder )

"I don't know man, there's something to do with another bloody hedgehog I think?"
Question 16 - also to sonic:do you like chilli dogs like the normal sonic or no.if yes is it the same reason as regular sonic or a diffrent one (@Assault_Thunder )

"Yeah, but I haven't eaten it since I entered this place..."
"Which is where I've been born... so... actually... I don't think I've ever eaten a Chili Dog?"

"...So why do I think I like it..?"
Question 17 - to everyone:do yall just hate knuckles or what like why yall tryna kill em (@Assault_Thunder )

"It's not about the knucklehead, buddy. We got our plans, and those night guards are an obstacle in our way, so we have to get rid of them."
Question 18 - Clone Sonic, Do you like mushrooms? (@Jar29Mix )

"NO, I HATE THOSE GUYS! Yoshi's mushroom tried biting my nose countless times (I didn't even know they could do that)!"
Question 19 - Clone Sonic:Why are you slower than Tails? (@Notiming )

"I'm... not? I just don't run around to not break anything."
"I can get quite... reckless when running, y'know?"
Question 20 - All clones: FELLAS, you need to check your eyesight, your eyes are bleeding (@Notiming )

"This? Hehe, it's not blood, it's ~cloning material~, totally safe!"
And that should be all!
Thanks for everyone who asked and happy 10th anniversary for Five Nights at Sonic's!!!
I really don't have any idea of what to say lol