18 days ago

FR: Il sera présent lorsque ce sera son tour. (Fait dans Blender) ;)

EN: He will be present when it will be his turn. (Made in Blender) ;)

=> @ItsMeNoOne

=> Jeu / Game: https://gamejolt.com/games/trtf2reworked/668953

=> Requête / Request: @HeisenbergusS

Pour me soutenir / To support me :

=> Placer un autocollant chargé / Place a charged sticker.

=> PayPal: paypal.me/AVanGeyseghem

=> Bank: BE98 3631 6809 6693

=> Magasin / Shop : https://gamejolt.com/@AntoineVanGeyseghem/shop



Next up

FR: Voici les autocollants que vous pouvez obtenir en plaçant un autocollant chargé.

EN: Here's the stickers you get by placing a charged sticker.

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/3D_Models_-_Stickers/813065

FR: Les 2 dernières cassettes. Que contiennent-elles ? =o

EN: The 2 last tapes. What do they contain ? =o

=> @ih-ihs

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/phobiatheawakening/641911

=> https://youtu.be/nXUcCcF8bv0

FR: La prochaine vidéo sur sera Pixel Escape. =)

EN: The next video will be on Pixel Escape. =)

=> @Donut-Studio

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/pixel-escape/448890

The Rat Cave is Cancelled


FR: Voici ceux qui sont disponibles maintenant en plaçant un autocollant chargé. (Fait dans Blender)

EN: Here's the ones available now by placing a charged sticker. (Made in Blender)

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/3D_Models_-_Stickers/813065


(For both PC and Android devices.)

FR: Le 437ème "The Return To Freddy's", du moins je crois.

EN: The 437th "The Return To Freddy's", at least I believe.

=> @BloomQue64

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/TRTF5_R/439670

=> https://youtu.be/gP5vj7Nm6co

Under the Desert Sky~

I wanted to remaster, an older piece of mine. How did I do? Tap/swipe to see the piece I created a whole year ago in January of 2023!

FR: Stratégie pour la nuit 6 et les précédentes en général.

EN: Strategy for the night 6 and the previous ones in general.

=> @IvanG

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/jolly-2/197334

=> https://youtu.be/m3D0R_m7-Z0