3 months ago

Fun fact about my Voice Actor career

There was once a game dev who asked me for voiceline tests. I sent them and received compliments, and the exact moment I asked him if I could participate, he replied in less than 2 seconds: "No." and then disappeared. I tried to contact him again, to maintain friendship, but he blocked me anyway XD.

And another moment was when I commented on a gamepage of a fairly well-known game (I won't say which one) about FNATI, where I asked if I could help in the game as a Voice Actor. The person responded that they were interested, and contacted me on Discord. Moments after the conversation, I sent my voiceline tests and received a "it's great", but she said something else: "Do you know how to model?" And when I said ''no'', she simply said that I could not be useful to participate in the game because in my description it says that "I am learning modeling and programming", but in reality, I just forgot to change the description. So I missed a chance because I simply didn't know how to model.

And that's it i wanted to say. I'm not going to say who the people and games are by the way.

Expect a celebration of something very big soon XD!



Next up


If this gamepage gets 1K followers, i'll rebrand this game asap.

And I apologize for the suspense I'm causing for those who are waiting for the gamepage opening lol

be prepared

How did I not realize I have 1.6k followers?!

My TJOC model pack is now officially released! (Read below for tips BEFORE you download them)

How are you? How is your day going?


Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 18: @Otis_Le_PoOtis is the Creator of Bondeeā€™s Barnyard and posts updates about their dev journey and their work on the sequel!) Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!
