There was once a game dev who asked me for voiceline tests. I sent them and received compliments, and the exact moment I asked him if I could participate, he replied in less than 2 seconds: "No." and then disappeared. I tried to contact him again, to maintain friendship, but he blocked me anyway XD.
And another moment was when I commented on a gamepage of a fairly well-known game (I won't say which one) about FNATI, where I asked if I could help in the game as a Voice Actor. The person responded that they were interested, and contacted me on Discord. Moments after the conversation, I sent my voiceline tests and received a "it's great", but she said something else: "Do you know how to model?" And when I said ''no'', she simply said that I could not be useful to participate in the game because in my description it says that "I am learning modeling and programming", but in reality, I just forgot to change the description. So I missed a chance because I simply didn't know how to model.
And that's it i wanted to say. I'm not going to say who the people and games are by the way.
Expect a celebration of something very big soon XD!