
11 months ago

Game page Release

Why hello fellow gamer and game devs! a few weeks ago I started sketching some ideas for the newest game that I had in mind, and today I (after a few days of procrastination lol) release the game page for that game!

I don't really have anything on it right now, I will add more things to it in the future. Along with that, I'll try to post more consistently than for what I did for pinky's 3.

So thank for reading and hope you enjoy the game when is release in a year (lol)



Next up

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devlog "5" ,with alot of motivational drainage

made a movement system

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations

OWaF Night 5: This is somewhat of a early build of the my owaf night 5, I think if I continue this pace up for my game I will be done in a week! but in the mean time follow the gamejolt page for the game!!!

game here:

Gameplay 1/3

"the copycat" modle reveal!

my absolutly foolish self forgot to post something for chrismas,so here's a sneak peek at a sanity bar or something afsdsaf

New Thumbnail!

"the televised" modle reveal!