18 hours ago

We Should Be Able to Overcharge Our Charge Meter

As of right now, our charge orb meter can only hold a maximum of 7 charge orbs. That's perfectly fine on its own, however, this cap results in missing out on a charge orb if you accidentally claim a daily quest's rewards with a fully charged meter, or not getting the full value out of accepting a "Charged Up" world event-type quest or an Emergency Charge Refill.


As an alternative to this, I propose giving us the ability to overcharge our charge meter, essentially allowing us to have an unlimited amount of charge orbs that we can accumulate at one time.

When our charge meter is overcharged, our charge meter counter would resemble an improper fraction.


Even with all of these changes, you would still need at least 7 charge orbs in order to place a charged sticker, placing a charged sticker still consumes 2 charge orbs, and our charge still depletes for each day that we miss a daily quest.



Next up

What's at the mysterious "D point"?



My favourite video game hero is Mario

I'm about as basic as they come


OH SWEET JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ninth winner of our INAYAH Joltbux giveaway is @thechadnicosus !

Enter by completing this quest: https://bit.ly/inayahjoltbuxgiveaway

We'll pick one winner for each day the quest is active! 🤯

After 2 more weeks, I have finally deployed 20 War Thunder community stickers and completed the community quest using only charged stickers .

The bragging rights were, once again, totally worth the extra work

The tenth winner of our INAYAH Joltbux giveaway is @Manuelaa !

Enter by completing this quest: https://bit.ly/inayahjoltbuxgiveaway

We'll pick one winner for each day the quest is active! 🤯

General Stickers Need to be Organized Better

We're giving out War Thunder starter pack keys!

Comment on this post to request yours!

Learn more (including how to redeem the codes if you get one) 🔽

Secret Levels Found in Swordswinger!