Globe Trotting Adventures
Jennifer can’t seem to stay in one place!
Just last week we teamed up with Tokenplay, to showcase both Jennifer Wilde and Wailing Heights at their stand at E3!
E3 is the world’s premier event for computer and video games, and we were pretty excited to see our demo playable on Los Angeles Convention Center floor!

The TokenPlay booth at E3

Jennifer Wilde Demo Playable on the Los Angeles Convention Center floor!
And with no time to catch her breath, Jennifer and Oscar will be appearing at Q-con in Belfast this weekend, hosted at the Indie Gamedev Zone by our pals at Games NI.

Jennifer Wilde joins the Games NI Indie Gamedev showcase at Q-con
Art process!
With so much globe-trotting, Jennifer needs a way to get around! We’re posted a short process video of John McFarlane layering up Liverpool Street Station for the game on our Youtube channel](!

The finished image
If you’re impressed by John’s detailing, let him know below in the comments, or reach out to us on Twitter or Facebook!
Stephen & the team at Outsider Games!