26 days ago

GUYS GO CHECK OUT @IveeTheBlax ROBUX COMMISSIONS PLS SHE IS SO COOL AND AWESOME SHE DREW MY PFP GO GO GO!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! (also that crewmate took too much time ohmy god)


hai ivy :3



Next up

who is skrunklin comment pls u seem cool https://diary.viralsachxd.com/864dc989f

chat what do i do im on step 2 right now

idk what to say hi porcupine lmao https://diary.viralsachxd.com/864dc989f

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

its over creeper

we cant be friends you and i always get into a fight that hurts both of us and thats not a healthy friendship

im sorry but we just arent meant to be

i ran out of ideas so i was having fun instead and it was worth it

legit me rn things are going down with a friend and former friend help


i find it funny that most people call me swagger even tho my perferred/actual online alias is swag https://diary.viralsachxd.com/864dc989f