Just Keep Running

1 year ago

👋Happy Black Friday!

We’re getting everything ready for Chapter 2’s release this December, and we’ll talk about it in greater detail at the bottom of this article...
#jkr #devlog #steam #update #platformer #action


We’ve got a good few wishlists already, but we still have a bit to go until we reach our first Wishlist Goal, which is 1000 wishlists.

Please make sure to Wishlist Just Keep Running on Steam. It’s free, it notifies you once the game comes out, and it tells Steam to give the game more attention and promotion across the platform!

Chapters 1 and 2 will soon be available on Steam as a free Demo, and we’ll be sure to let you know once it’s out. 😉

🎮Playtesting - Stage 1


2-4 Teaser, subject to change (This is, in fact, an older screenshot of the level)

We are FINALLY DONE developing the Levels for CHAPTER 2! 🎉

That doesn’t mean we aren’t done though. We still have to implement some extra details, settings & adjustments, as well as playtest everything so that nothing bad slips through once we ship Chapter 2!

We’re gonna do two stages of Playtesting. The first one is an internal test that only involves friends of mine (you might’ve seen their names in the credits!). This is mostly to snake out potentially major issues and inconsistencies and to make sure that the Steamworks API is fully functional and has no issues with it. 

Once this is done, we’ll go to the second stage, where we get some of our Discord members involved. Speedrunners, modders, OG fans, etc. They’ll be given early access to Chapter 2 so that they can test it out and let us know (hopefully without as much bias or care for my feelings as my friends) what is good, what could be improved, and overall just make sure no other issues slip past.

If you like the game or have any useful feedback, please feel free to give the game a positive review or rating, or just share the game around! It’s a small gesture, but it makes a huge difference and makes us very happy, whether positive or constructive criticism.😁

We also welcome anyone to upload or stream their gameplay of Just Keep Running, and feel free to share that gameplay with us if you so wish! FYI, Twitch streamers, we have “Just Keep Running” as a game category… 😉

Chapter 2 is coming this December! But if you still want to play the game, you can check out Chapter 1 here on Gamejolt!

If you’d like, you can also check out our socials!





Next up

2.3.0 IS OUT NOW! 🥳🎉

We’re starting to add Stealth mechanics, QoL changes, and tweaks to levels to make it easier for the baby birds dipping their feet into the game! 😀

Read more below...


And in celebration, we are hosting a showcase of Just Keep Running 24/7 for the next 7 days!

#steamnextfest #steam #puzzleplatformer #parkour #platformer

🥳WE’RE ₛₜᵢₗₗ ALIVE! - V. 2.3.0, JKR for Charity, and Project T-1000

Read more below...

#jkr #devlog #update #charity

🧑‍🍳We're Back in The Kitchen: New Update, and Charity!

More down below...

#jkr #devlog #update #charity

👋Happy Friday, ya scallywags! Today we’ll be talking about NEW STEALTH FEATURES, as well as a lil CHARITY EVENT we’re running, and about our TWITCH DEV STREAMS!


Jokes aside, thank you so much for the wait! While we are busy rewriting, we’re back to actively working on the game, and this small lil update is proof! :D

#update #jkr #devlog

Yo yo yo! 😀

We’ve had a productive June, and we’re coming at you with many QoL features and changes. Keep reading for more deets! 🙂

#jkr #update #steam #platformer #puzzle

I'm studying game development at the University of Skövde next month! 🥳

I won't be as active with I.M.I.Self, but I'll keep working whenever I find time. I'm determined to get JKR Early Access and T-1000 demo out by Dec/Jan.

Hope you all understand! :D

We’re back! And we’ve got an update for you 🎉

More upgrades, dyslexia-friendly fonts, and other small but cool additions, that’s what this is all about!

Read more about it below...

Hey there! Despite Steam Next Fest, we’ve still kept busy bug fixing and making adjustments to Just Keep Running, and that’s what this update is all about! :D

#jkr #update #steam #platformer #puzzle